標題: 出口管制制度與系統之分析研究
Adopting Global Export Control System in Taiwan
作者: 徐振榮
Cheng-Jung Hsu
Dr. Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 出口管制;瓦聖那協議;核子供應國集團;澳洲集團;飛彈技術管制;防止擴散;大規模毀滅性武器;出口許可證;Export Control;Wassenaar Arrangement;Nuclear Suppliers Group;Australia Group;MTCR;Anti-Proliferation;Mass Destruction Weapon;Export License
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 出口管制(Export Control)在國際間是一項廣受重視且積極實施並定期檢討成效的一個制度,其原始目的主要是管制大規模毀滅性武器、技術的擴散,以及可供作為軍事發展之軍商二用品之移轉,藉以維護世界和平,此外各國際組織也利用此項機制作為維護國際秩序的一種手段。 國際間為了推展出口管制之運作不遺餘力,並且成立國際性之組織以為長期運作。為了有效推展此制度於企業內,歐美日各國均詳定企業內部控管計劃以鼓勵企業從被動配合變成主動管理,進而建立內部控管計劃在企業體系內長期而有效地運作,確保合乎法規的要求。 台灣雖然不是國際間各種與出口管制有關組織之會員國,但基於維護世界和平與健全貿易制度之目的,對於參與國際間之出口管制推展工作,可說不遺餘力;而此種努力對我國而言實屬重要,因為我國在高科技領域仰賴美、日、歐等先進國家之產品、技術或設備輸入以提升科技水準,若國內之出口管制成效低落,則可能導致國際間對我高科技輸出加強設限,可能影響我國產業之發展。 政府自從於1995年立法實施出口管制制度以來,至今已屆六年,當初政策與法律之制定幾乎全部比照國際間通用之精神與作法,基本上符合國際間之要求應無疑義。然而,在實際有效地施行與管制措施上,與歐、美、日等國之現行運作仍有一段差距。國內大部分企業對出口管制內容仍不甚明瞭,因此更遑論如何建置有效的內部控管計劃,以確保合乎國際間之共同要求與標準。 本研究之目的在於探討我國及世界主要國家之出口管制制度,並加以綜合論述,提出建議以供政府與企業參考,進而希望對提昇我國出口管制制度有所助益。
Export control is a highly emphasized and vigorously implemented international practice that is also periodically reviewed. Its original purpose was to help preserving the world peace by controlling the proliferation of massive destruction weapons and the technologies, as well as the transaction of military or dual-use goods that may be used for similar weapon development purposes. Besides, many international organizations also utilize this mechanism as a measure to enforce international order. The international community has been aggressively promoting the export control system among the nations. In order to effectively institute the system into the enterprises, Europe, U.S., and Japan have established detailed self-managing regulations to encourage the enterprises in exercising the export control by themselves in lieu of being passively regulated by the agencies. The goal is to introduce an effective and long-term self-managing mechanism inside the enterprise so that the export control can be substantially managed. Although Taiwan is not a member nation of any international export control organizations, we still aggressively pursue and participate in any development of specifications in this field for the purpose of helping to preserve the world peace and improving the trading framework. This is an important issue because some of our hi-tech industries rely on imports of advanced goods, technologies, and equipment from Europe, U.S., and Japan to achieve higher technical capabilities. If we do not have an effective export control process, it could lead to hi-tech export restriction or embargo from international community and therefore affect the industry development. It has been six years since our government established and implemented the export control regulation in 1995. Basically, the policy and regulation almost completely followed the general practices adopted in international community. There is no doubt that the regulation meets the common requirements. However, there are still some deficiencies comparing to Western nations in terms of actually carrying out the effective measures of export control. In fact, most of our enterprises still don't have good understanding about the substances of export control. It is no surprise that they have even more difficulties in establishing an effective system of self-management. The purpose of this research is to study the export control system of our own country and other major nations. A comprehensive summary and suggestions are proposed for reference by government and industry. It is hoped that the study can help in elevating our export control system to a higher level.