標題: 管絃樂作品《山水塵外》及其創作理念
"Landscape beyond the world" for orchestra and its idea
作者: 李貽宸
Li, Yi-Chen
Wu, Ting-Lien
關鍵字: 山水塵外;管絃樂曲;中國山水繪畫;Landscape beyond the world;orchestra;Chinese landscape painting
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 本論文包括兩個部分:一部份為管絃樂作品《山水塵外》,另一部份為此曲之創作理念之文字敘述。
The thesis consists of two parts: one is the orchestral composition entitled Landscape Beyond the World, and the other is an essay about the compositional idea.
Landscape Beyond the World, an orchestral composition, is a single-movement piece that is based on my personal experience with reference to the aesthetic perception of Chinese landscape painting. The whole of the piece could be thought as an embodiment of the experience belonging to the feeling toward and concept of Chinese landscape painting.
The composition quotes parts of the ku-ch’in’s melody of “Autumn Wind Poetry”, which is treated as the foundation of the tunes and the repository of emotional gestures in the piece. The quality of the piece is close to the “thin”, “pure” and “far” characteristics that have been emphasized in the Chinese poems and Chinese landscape painting.