標題: 台灣BBS使用者之自我揭露、名片檔自我呈現意願與暱稱認知之初探
Taiwan BBS Users' Self-disclosure, Inclination of Self-Presentation in Plan File, and Perception of the Nickname
作者: 薛怡青
I-Ching Hsueh
Chien Chou
關鍵字: 網路;網際網路;電腦中介傳播;電子布告欄;自我揭露;名片檔;自我呈現;暱稱;cyberspace;Internet;CMC;BBS;Self-disclosure;Plan File;Self-Presentation;Nickname
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 本研究的目的在探討台灣電子佈告欄﹝BBS﹞使用者,在現實世界與在純文字書寫的BBS環境中的「自我揭露」程度是否有差異,並探討使用者於BBS「名片檔中自我呈現意願」為何,以及對「暱稱」與「名片檔」的認知與態度。本研究藉由相關理論與文獻整理,將自我揭露的對象依現實與網路世界各分成三種不同熟識程度的朋友;而名片檔自我呈現意願則分成「物質我」、「精神我」、「社會我」、「網路延伸我」四個面向分別進行探討。 本研究以台灣BBS的使用者為主要的研究對象,首先進行BBS使用者的深度訪談作以為前測與設計問卷的參考,其後並利用電子問卷調查法蒐集資料,總計共回收了781份有效樣本。 本研究發現,BBS使用者在「現實生活」的自我揭露比「網路世界」的自我揭露程度高;在「現實世界」裡揭露程度越高者,在「網路世界」中的揭露程度也會越高,反之亦然。而其中「性別」在「自我揭露」上造成差別:無論是現實或網路世界,男性使用者的自我揭露程度皆高於女性使用者。本研究亦發現,BBS使用者在「名片檔自我呈現意願」裡以「精神我」的呈現意願最高。越願意在現實或網路世界中自我揭露者,其於名片檔中自我呈現的意願也越高。而在「暱稱」與「名片檔」認知態度上,使用者多半傾向肯定兩者具有「抒發情緒」及「印象形成」的功能。 網路科技的特性或多或少改變了人類原有的互動模式。希望藉由這初探性研究,能夠更進一步描繪出台灣BBS使用者的人際互動行為,也重新反思因網路的出現,而使得人與人之間的關係改變了什麼。而未來後續研究可針對BBS使用者實際於名片檔與暱稱中的訊息內容做更進一步分析。
The purpose of this study was to explore Taiwan Bulletin Board System (BBS) users’ self-disclosure in real-life and cyberspace, examined the inclination of self-presentation in their BBS “plan file”, and their perception of nicknames and plan file. By reviewing related studies, this study classified three levels of acquaintances (close, fair, just-met) as targets of ones’ self-disclosure in both real life and the cyberspace respectively, and classified the concept of self-presentation into four sub-concepts: the material me, the spiritual me, the social me, and the network-extended me. The research context was set at Taiwan plain-text BBS, and the subjects therefore were Taiwan BBS users. In-depth interviews were conducted in order to design the questionnaires of this study. A total of 781 valid samples were collected by on-line survey. This study found that users disclosed themselves more in the real life than in the cyberspace. In addition, users who were willing to self-disclosed themselves in the real life disclosed themselves more in the cyberspace, and vice versa. There existed sex difference in self-disclosure: the male self-disclosed themselves more than the female in both real life and the cyberspace. Regarding the inclination of self presentation in plan file, it was found that users showed their “the spiritual me” most. This study also found that users who were willing to present themselves in the real life or in the cyberspace seemed to present themselves more in their BBS plan file. Users in this study thought that the nickname and plan file were mainly for “emotional release” and for “impression formation.” This preliminary study helps illustrate Taiwan BBS users’ development of interpersonal relationship, and reconsider whether any change was caused by network technology. Follow-up studies were suggested to further analyze the text presented in plan file and nickname.