標題: Discriminant analysis of the geomorphic characteristics and stability of landslide dams
作者: Dong, Jia-Jyun
Tung, Yu-Hsiang
Chen, Chien-Chih
Liao, Jyh-Jong
Pan, Yii-Wen
Department of Civil Engineering
Disaster Prevention and Water Environment Research Center
關鍵字: Landslide dam;Stability;Discriminant analysis;Geomorphic variable
公開日期: 15-九月-2009
摘要: Landslides can cause the formation of dams, but these dams often fail soon after lake formation. Thus, rapidly evaluating the stability of a landslide dam is crucial for effective hazard mitigation. This study utilizes discriminant analysis based on a Japanese dataset consisting of 43 well documented landslide dams to determine the significant variables, including log-transformed peak flow (or catchment area), and log-transformed dam height, width and length in hierarchical order, which affect the stability of a landslide dam. The high overall prediction power (88.4% of the 43 training cases are correctly classified) and the high cross-validation accuracy (86%) demonstrate the robustness of the proposed discriminant models PHWL (with variables including log-transformed peak flow, and log-transformed dam height, width and length) and AHWL (with variables including log-transformed catchment area, and log-transformed dam height, width and length). Compared to a previously proposed "DBI" index-based graphic approach, the discriminant model AHV - which uses the log-transformed catchment area, dam height, and dam volume as relevant variables - shows better ability to evaluate the stability of landslide dams. Although these discriminant models are established using a Japanese dataset only, the present multivariate statistical approach can be applied for an expanded dataset without any difficulty when more completely documented worldwide landslide-dam data are available. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.04.004
ISSN: 0169-555X
DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.04.004
Volume: 110
Issue: 3-4
起始頁: 162
結束頁: 171


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