标题: 三维多面体的形变技术
3D Metamorphosis for Polygonal Objects
作者: 王柏又
Po-Yu Wang
Jung-Hong Chuang
关键字: 物体形变;几何对应;3D metamorphosis;3D morphing;Correspondence problem
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 在三维空间中,一个任意形状的物体渐渐转变成另一个不同形状物体的过程,我们称之为三维物体形变(3D metamorphosis or 3D morphing)。在目前已经发表的技术中,尚未提供使用者一个有效率的方法来指定物体形变过程中的对应关系。因此,本论文的主要目的是要提供一简单且有效的使用者掌控介面,先由使用者给定少数物体特征的相对应点,系统将自动产生其余的对应关系,进而完成形变的过程。我们提出了突出特征点的侦测方法及两种不同的区块切割方式,依照侦测的结果对物体表面区块进行特征切割法或平均切割法,有效的将物体表面区块切开。对于两个不同物体实施同样的切割过程,所产生的区块集合之间存在着一对一的对应关系,完成物体初步的对应工作。接下来,利用harmonic map和狄劳尼三角化(Delaunay triangulation)程序将相对应的区块在二维区域内做合并的动作,使得相对的区块内能有相同的网格架构,达成点对应的目的。最后利用线性内差计算出所有点在形变过程中的位置,将结果显像出来,便完成了物体的形变过程。
The metamorphosis or the 3D morphing is the process of continuously transforming one object into another. Many morphing techniques for polygonal objects have been proposed. Most techniques suffer from the complicated human effort involved in setting up the vertex correspondence necessary for the morphing. In this thesis, we have tried to alleviate such human intervention. In the proposed morphing system, the user is required to specify only a few vertex correspondences of the two objects. And then based on the given vertex correspondences, object’s boundary meshes are subdivided into four patches each of which are recursively subdivided in-correspondence until certain conditions are reached. As a result, the source and target meshes are subdivided into patches that are in one-to-one correspondence. The patches are subdivided in a way that features of the meshes can be maintained To attain the correspondence of all the vertices, Harmonic map and Delaunay triangulation are used to establish the vertices that are in common topology and in one-to-one correspondence inside each pair of correspondent patches. In morphing from the source to target mesh, a traditional linear interpolation is used. Finally, the smooth morphing result will be process between the two objects.