Title: 網頁查詢語言之分析研究
A Study For Analysis Of Web Query Languages
Authors: 鍾永良
Choo Yeong Leong
I-Chen Wu
Keywords: 網頁查詢語言;Web Query Languages
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 網際網路越來越發達,使得許多資料文件都以HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)與XML (Extensible Markup Language)文件格式呈現在全球資訊網球 (World Wide Web: WWW)。但資料量日愈增加,使得使用者難以找尋到真正所需的資料。而網頁查詢語言可以協助使用者正確的找到自己所需的資料的一種語言。 在眾多的網頁查詢語言中,可分為Page By Page (PBP)類型與Non-PBP類型。PBP類型的網頁是指一頁接一頁的網頁做萃取,而Non- PBP類型是指許多網頁合在一起做萃取,並不須要一頁接一頁地做萃取。而本論文就是在研究這兩種不同類型的查詢語言,並分析這兩種語言的功能差異。其中,並比較兩種具足夠代表性的語言:PBP類型的GIDL (General Interface Definition Language)與Non-PBP類型的XML-QL (XML Query Language: A Query Language for XML)做一個比較分析。
Internet has become more and more popular and this results in the common use of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) in the World Wide Web (WWW). However, Web data increases every day, and therefore it will not be easy for an Internet user to search all he wants. The web query languages is thus a kind of languages that can help users search the data. We classify web query languages into two types: Page By Page (PBP) or Non-PBP. PBP is to extract data page by page, and Non-PBP is to extract data from several web pages together (not page by page). This thesis will focus on these two types of query languages, and to analyze their expressiveness, by comparing GIDL (General Interface Definition Language) and XML-QL (XML Query Language: A Query Language for XML). GIDL is the representation of Page-By-Page. XML-QL is the representation of Non Page By Page.
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