標題: 測試三階層式工作流程應用
Testing a 3-Tier Workflow-based Application
作者: 劉旭堅
Shiu-Jian Liu
Dr. Feng-Jian Wang
關鍵字: 工作流程;商業流程;流程管理系統;三階層式;軟體的測試設計;流程制定服務;測試活動;workflow processes;business processes;workflow management system;3-tier software architecture;test designs;workflow enactment service;test activities
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 工作流程應用即是應用在流程管理系統上的商業流程,簡稱工作流程。工作流程往往彼此互相關連,又有許多人員參與其中,使得工作流程的發展、演變以及部署跟一般軟體不同。相同的問題也發生在測試工作流程上。 流程管理系統遵循三階層式的軟體架構,亦即客戶端的流程應用程式層、執行商業邏輯的流程制定服務層、還有後端的資料庫層。因此,本論文基於現有的三階層式軟體的測試設計與方法,提出一個工作流程的測試架構。為了確保工作流程的功能,本測試架構主要針對流程應用程式所處理的資料之完整性,以及流程進行所產生的相關資料之正確性。流程進行所產生之資料是流程管理系統用來決定流程進行,比如,用來判定是否先決條件、後決條件、轉移條件完成,或者決定參與人員之任命。並且,本測試架構企圖測試自動化,以較少的人力來完成測試工作。
Workflow-based applications, namely workflow processes, are business processes rooted on workflow management systems. Development, evolution and deployment of workflow processes have different difficulties from general software because multiple processes are related to each other and many people are involved in processes. Likewise, it is difficult to test workflow processes. A workflow management system can be divided into workflow applications for the client tier, the workflow enactment service for the business-rules tier, and the audit/application data repositories for the database server tier; therefore, based upon test designs for the 3-tier software architecture, the thesis presents a testing framework for workflow processes. To assure the functionalities of a workflow process, the testing framework is focused on the integrity of application data, and the accuracy of workflow relevant data, which is used by workflow management systems to determine its behavior, for example within pre- and post-conditions, transition conditions or workflow participant assignment. Besides, the testing framework also attempts to automate test activities with less effort required.