Title: 設計和實作一個視覺化編輯系統來製作3D的虛擬網頁
The Design and Implementation of a 3D Visual Authoring System For 3D Virtual Presentation
Authors: 童禕辰
Chen-Yi Tung
Dr. Deng-Jyi Chen
Keywords: 虛擬實境模型語言;視覺化編輯系統;撥放系統;描述程式;VRML;Visual Authoring System;Playback System;Script Program
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 網路上充滿了各式各樣豐富的網頁,而面對多媒體設備的普及與現代人對多媒體效果的需求增加,一個能夠讓任何人隨心所欲地製作屬於自己3D網頁的工具是相當有潛力的,再加上現今電腦運算速度越來越快,更有利於3D網頁的發展。
There are various kinds of web pages in the internet. With the generalization of the multimedia equipments and the increasing neads of multimedia effects it is much potential for a 3D webpage authoring tool that can be used to edit 3d web pages at will. It will be better for the development of 3d web pages because of the increasing computing power of the CPU.
Editing web pages by the commercial authoring softwares, users have to learn a lot of complicated script languages, and the effect of web pages are limited by the functions they provide. It leads to that users can't have satisfying animation effects. Our goal is to develop a quik-edit and easy-use 3D webpage authoring system that .With it, users without ideas of 3D programming languages can easily edit 3d webpages in his style .
Appears in Collections:Thesis