Title: 具齊一介面之全自動包裝者產生器的設計與實現
Design and Implementation of Fully Automatic Wrapper Generator with Unified Interface
Authors: 孫文駿
Wen-Chen Sun
Dr. Shyan-Ming Yuan
Keywords: 包裝者程式;自動產生器;延伸標記語言;wrapper;XML;Automatic Generator;CORBA
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 網際網路上不同的資訊來源如雨後春筍般的出現。隨著Internet的蓬勃發展,資訊來源更新快速且異質性高。為了讓應用程式可以存取各式各樣的資訊源,我們常常以一個包裝者程式做為存取網站時的中介者。包裝者程式具有查詢指令轉換和結果資料轉換的功能,提供了介面通透性,應用程式可以透過包裝者程式存取Internet上各種異質介面的資訊來源。然而,網站更迭交替的速度,讓程式設計師們為了不斷開發新的包裝者程式而疲於奔命。
The mediator/wrapper architecture is the de facto architecture used in retrieving information sources on the Internet or the WWW. Most of the proposed wrapper generator is concerning with translating the query result from information sources view to the client view. In this paper, we propose a scheme for automatic generating wrapper with a unified interface based on well known and popular object model- XML object model, and programming environment – OMG’s CORBA.
Appears in Collections:Thesis