Title: 林義峰
Infrastructure of Virtual Community Based on Mobile Agent Technology
Authors: 林義峰
I Feng Lin
Chuen-Tasi Sun
Keywords: 虛擬社區;移動代理人;智慧型代理人;Virtual Community;Mobile Agent;Intelligent Agent
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 網路的興起讓人們通溝的管道突破了地域上的疆界,透過網路的使用,個人可以在網路上自由的接收各式各樣的資訊、方便快速的傳播自己的知識和想法,並且和其他人交談、互換一些生活上的經驗,這樣的互動性構成一個社區形態。如何經營好一個虛擬社區是目前非常熱門的話題,但是討論的方向多為從人文觀點來注重這個問題,而本篇論文的重點則是從另外一個角度來看待這個問題。在經營一個虛擬社區時,除了人的因素以外,技術因素該扮演什麼樣的角色,該支援到如何的地步?目前的虛擬社區有哪些不足的地方?在這裡,我們嘗試著利用Mobile Agent的技術來建構一個虛擬社區的平台,在這個平台中,除了提供一個虛擬社區所應具備的基礎功能外,主要的著重點在於提供一個高度擴充性與彈性的架構,在這個架構下,讓虛擬社區的經營更能夠排除掉技術上的限制。
By using internet, people can receive all kinds of information, propagate their own knowledge and ideas, talk to each other, and exchange their life experiences. Thus, the interaction between the Internet users forms an online community. Recently, managing a virtual community has become an important topic in the study of social sciences. This study tries to build a platform by employing mobile agent technology. This platform supports functionality of a virtual community with high scalability and flexibility.
This thesis uses the following two ideas to form a knowledge and service community. One includes knowledge sharing, knowledge acquiring and using knowledge to satisfy user’s need, the other includes service sharing, service acquiring and using service. Through knowledge and service sharing, community members will be more willing to stay in this community.
Appears in Collections:Thesis