標題: 建構以XML Schema階層樹為基礎之企業模型架構
Construct an Enterprise Model Framework using XML Schema Hierarchical Tree
作者: 陳炳華
Bieng-Hwa Chen
Po-Lung Yu
Ruey-Shun Chen
關鍵字: XML Schema;企業塑模;物件導向技術;XML Schema;Enterprise Modeling;Object-Oriented Technique
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 在如今資訊科技快速變遷的網際網路時代,企業內部舊有的資訊系統都面臨著需要重新設計及整合的命運,以應付外在各式各樣的變動及挑戰。在這樣的情況下,組織需要一種新的軟體開發模式,以有效地降低系統發展的時間及成本;同時,藉由系統本身的自動化處理流程,以儘量減少人力不必要的介入。本研究計劃利用XML Schema階層樹的概念,配合以企業模型為基礎的軟體開發模式,來滿足這樣的需求。 本論文利用XML Schema規格中所具有的物件導向繼承特性,作為定義企業模型中各種類別的工具,並以此來建立一個可以管理企業模型中的類別及物件的企業模型架構的雛形,讓系統開發者可以快速地建置一個新的資訊系統。為了驗證此種方式的可行性,最後並實作了一個以企業模型架構為基礎的電子文件管理系統。 以XML Schema階層樹為基礎之軟體開發模式,對於企業所能帶來的效益總共有五點:(1)XML Schema標準可同時定義企業模型及XML文件結構;(2)提高新系統開發的時效;(3)使得不同系統間的整合更為容易;(4)可以處理有效地處理非結構性的資料;(5)讓企業內部的資源可以被充分利用。
Due to the rapid development of information technology in this Internet Era, various kinds of legacy business application systems operating in the enterprise have been re-designed and integrated. Many companies are seeking a new methodology that can effectively reduce human resource, development time and cost. To meet this demand, we propose enterprise model-based software development and application framework using XML Schema hierarchical tree. By feature of inheritance in XML Schema language, we can define the class about enterprise model. With a prototype of EMF (enterprise model framework) that can manager the class and instance from a web server, software developers can rapidly construct a new information system. To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed methodology, this research implements an EMF-based electronic document management system. Five benefits of software development mode using XML Schema hierarchical tree are: (1) The XML Schema specification can simultaneously define an enterprise model and the structure of an XML document. (2) Increase the effectiveness of developing application systems. (3) Promote more integration in different systems. (4) Operate non-structure datum with an enterprise. (5) Various resources with an enterprise can be made to easily utilize, access and manage.