Title: 航空公司考慮噪音收費之網路配置與機場噪音收費績效評估
Airline Network Adjustment in Response to Noise Charge and Performance Assessment for Airport Noise Charge Policies
Authors: 林佩憓
Pei-Hui Lin
Chaug-Ing Hsu
Keywords: 噪音收費、航空網路、航線頻次、航機機型、多目標評估;noise charge, airline network, flight frequencies, aircraft type
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 航空運輸的發展大量縮短了旅行成本與旅行時間,但是相對的也增加了噪音外部成本,機場透過噪音收費管制徵收航機噪音費,以期內部化環境成本,而此將對航空公司成本與本身網路結構產生影響。過去對於航空公司因應機場噪音收費的研究,除Nero and Black (1998)以解析性的方法分析探討航空公司面臨機場噪音管制,其餘大部分研究都僅以經濟理論探討機場徵收噪音費對航空公司航線及班機頻次的影響,尚未有結合網路模式與經濟理論之研究方法應用於航空噪音議題中者。航空公司擁有不同機型組合的機隊,由於不同的機型具有不同的排放污染量,所以航空公司在進行機型的選擇時,須考慮對環境管制之因應;再者,越擁塞的機場其徵收的環境費越高,航空公司因應這些飛抵航點成本的不同,將可能重置其飛行頻率,而重新規劃其航空網路。
The continued growth of air transportation has decreased dramatically the travel cost and travel time. However, it also has generated tremendous noise pollution at major airports around the world. Therefore, the noise charge has been generally introduced at major airports in order to internalize noise externalities. In response to airport levy, airlines may adjust network structure to alleviate its impacts on their operation costs. Previous literature on airline network design usually downplayed noise externality. Nero and Black(1998) focused on the environmental externalities using a conceptual spatial model and addressed the environmental impacts related to extensive hubbing. Others discussed the impacts of airport noise charge on airline flight frequencies, aircraft choices and routing policy by using economic concepts and case studies. However, no literature has combined network model and economic theory to formulate theoretical models on analyzing airline network adjustment in response to airport noise levy. Different airports usually levy various aircraft noise fee according to aircraft types and airport noise budget. So airlines may redesign its network structure and alter flight frequencies and aircraft types considering noise charge.
This research aims to explore different airport noise charge policies, to investigate the airline network design considering aircraft noise charge, and to analyze the performance of airport noise charge policy from multiple perspectives. The study identifies airline cost function and formulates an airline network design model by minimizing airline operating cost to determine the optimal air routes and flight frequencies and aircraft types in response to airport noise charge. Furthermore, the study discusses the context of several noise charge policies, and investigates the impact of these policies on airline costs and network structure. Since airlines’ decisions on aircraft routes and flight frequencies in response to the airport noise charge will influence the footprint of pollution around each airport node. Therefore, the study further uses equivalent steady sound level to quantify aircraft noise and to assess airport noise charge performance. Furthermore, the study formulates a multiobjective model to assess the performance of different noise charge policies by evaluating changes in airport operation costs and operation revenues, the welfare of airport residents nearby, and the operation cost of regulated airlines.
An empirical example illustrates the application and usefulness of the model. The results show that airlines may change aircraft routes and flight frequencies in response to the airport noise charge. The hub airport noise fee also may influence airlines’ network decision. If most of airlines incline to use bigger aircrafts and fewer frequencies in response to the airport noise charge, the social cost caused by airport noise will decrease. Finally, airport landing fee setting will influence the extent of noise charge on controlling social costs. It is envisaged that the results of the developed models not only shed light on airline network design and airport noise policy literatures, but also provide guidance on network adjustment for airlines in response to noise charge and on airport noise charge policy assessment for airport authority.
Appears in Collections:Thesis