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dc.contributor.authorHsin-Lan Huangen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsin-Li Changen_US
dc.description.abstract未來我國高鐵營運用列車之座位管理將規劃有頭等車廂及豪華車廂二種。頭等車廂係為滿足要求高服務品質且有能力、有意願支付較高價格之旅客;豪華車廂在於滿足以經濟實惠著眼之旅客,因而在車廂的設計上應針對不同需求的旅客進行設計,以符合「顧客導向」的趨勢。根據台灣高鐵之營運計畫,其車廂內服務設施將以「消費者真正需要」之觀點來規劃,來滿足乘客享受搭乘高鐵的樂趣。 本研究為使高鐵未來之營運更符合消費者之需求,並鑑於目前國內並無相關研究以使用者觀點探討旅運者對於高鐵車廂之偏好,乃以陳述性偏好問卷捕捉旅運者車廂選擇行為,並針對火車、飛機、大客車及小客車旅運者進行調查,以個體選擇理論為基礎,利用二項羅吉特模式建立旅運者選擇行為模式。本研究並以旅運者之屬性做為市場區隔之標準,探討各區隔市場之選擇行為,並針對旅次長度、票價及座位機率進行敏感度分析,做為規劃各級車廂所應具備設施與服務之參考。 本研究進行服務屬性篩選時,同時考量需求面與供給面因素,需求面包含旅運者對於該服務項目所感認之屬性重要度及付費意願度;供面給則由專家評估每個服務項目之技術可行性、設備建置成本及營運負擔成本,以總得分最高的前七項屬性為最後的決策變項,分別為通訊設備、刊物、行李間、寧靜度、餐飲、育嬰室及座位。整體模式校估的結果顯示,在服務屬性變數方面,「育嬰室」及「餐飲」為二項顯著之服務屬性變數。其他如座位機率、票價、距離及年齡皆是影響旅運者選擇車廂的重要屬性。同時旅運者在進行車廂選擇時,距離的長短為最主要的考慮因素,其次為票價。敏感度分析結果顯示,隨著距離的增加,選擇頭等車廂的機率會隨之提升,且頭等車廂與次等車廂的票差明顯較短距離時影響旅運者車選擇行為。而當每公里票價遞增時,頭等車廂的選擇機率會隨之下降,又二車廂的價差越大時,頭等車廂選擇機率的遞減率亦愈大,且長距離旅運者較易隨著每公里票價變動而改變車廂選擇。 研究結果亦顯示在座位機率方面,短距離的旅運者較長距離的旅運者較具彈性,也就是當次等車廂的座位機率提升時,長距離的旅運者仍會傾向選擇搭乘頭等車廂。本研究最後根據模式校估及敏感度分析的結果進行設施規劃及策略分析,以做為高速鐵路在規劃車廂時之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe operation train of High Speed Railway(HSR)will include first-class coach and deluxe class coach. The purpose of first-class coach is to meet the needs of passengers who ask high service quality while the deluxe-class is to meet the needs of passengers who highlight economic aspect. Therefore, it is necessary to take passengers’ demand into account for the design of the coach with a view of catching the trend of “customer-oriented”. In order to make the operation of HSR meet the needs of passengers as well as no relative study on coach choice behavior, this research is going to realize the coach choice behavior of passengers by the questionnaire of stated-preference and focus on targets of train, airplane, bus and automobile travelers. A Logit model is build up to calibrate the coach choice behavior and explore the significant factors which influence travelers’ coach choice. The sensitivity analysis and strategy planning are also undertaken in this research. A two-stage approach of stated preference method is employed to acquire the requested data in this research. In the first stage, questionnaire is designed to collect the related attributes affecting the coach choice behaviors of travelers and set up the values of these attributes. In the second stage, two alternatives are generated by the levels of randomly sampled attribute values and the travelers are asked to select their preferred alternatives between two different coaches. The study results showed the fare difference, seat availability, trip distance are the most significant factors affecting the coach choice behavior of travelers. The findings of this research can not only help the HSR Company to develop marketing strategies, but also provide the valuable information for them in the design of HSR coach.en_US
dc.subjectHigh Speed Railwayen_US
dc.titleA Study on Passengers' Choice Behavior of Railway Carriage for High Speed Railwayen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis