Title: | 以旅運者行為探討中長程國道客運市場之行銷契機 Exploring the Marketing Niches for Freeway Intercity Bus Service from the View of Travelers’ Behavior |
Authors: | 曾鵬庭 Peng-Ting Tseng 張新立 Hsin-Li Chang 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 行銷契機;國道客運;線性結構關係模式;marketing niches;freeway intercity bus service;LISREL |
Issue Date: | 2000 |
Abstract: | 自國道路線開放以來,客運公司為因應旅運者對服務品質要求之日益提升,強調高品質之競爭策略不斷推陳出新,致使市場呈現多品牌多服務選擇之競爭局面。營運者需能確實掌握旅運者行為,因應其需求特性及行為意向,發掘行銷契機,研提行銷策略,才能在此環境中持續發展。然回顧國內對於國道客運市場行銷之相關研究多由服務品質或滿意度之角度切入,以旅運者行為角度切入之研究甚少。有鑑於此,本研究乃以系統分析之方法,融合相關行為理論,深入探討旅運者行為,輔以國道客運市場特性,架構「旅運行為決策理念模式」,作為分析旅運行為之依據。並據以發展成由社經特性、旅次特性、經驗與感認、認知服務品質,及行為認知意向等五大構面所組成之「旅運行為結構關係模式」,作為旅運行為之分析衡量系統。 本研究以中長程國道客運旅運者為實證分析對象,透過問卷調查蒐集旅運者資料,並採用線性結構關係模式(LISREL)進行模式驗證,深入探討其需求特性及行為意向。據此,本研究建立一服務品質檢視表供營運者定期自我檢視以改善缺失,並可藉此與其他客運公司比較,從中發掘行銷契機,研提行銷策略,藉以穩固既有旅客之忠誠,並開發新客源。此外,本研究更進一步探討加值服務潛力,並結合市場經營資訊,以旅運行為決策理念模式為主軸,針對資訊搜尋、評估決策及刺激誘發三階段,探討各階段之行銷任務,發掘行銷契機,並據以研提有關產品(product)、定價(price)、通路(place)、促銷(promotion)之4P行銷組合策略。 本研究以「4P行銷組合策略」為主軸,「使客運旅客具有備受尊重之感覺」為策略目標,「顧客至上」為主要訴求,探討各策略之具體執行內容。在產品策略方面,針對場站設施、人員、車輛設施、意見回應與旅客權益維護、售票服務、行車資訊提供等六大部分,探討該策略之執行措施。在定價策略方面,除探討其價格訂定方式,更說明採取差別定價、折扣及折讓方式之調整定價方式。在通路策略方面,研提相關售票管道及售票方式。在促銷策略方面,更針對促進口碑相傳機會,提昇公司形象及旅客搭乘意願、提升旅運者對客運合法性之認知及資訊之瞭解、於固定時間推出促銷優惠專案、提供旅運者希望之加值服務等細部策略,探討其具體執行內容。各策略之具體執行內容及方式可供營運者及有關單位參考使用。 The market of freeway intercity bus service has been very competitive since entrance deregulation. In order to meet the travelers’ demands and explore the marketing niches, a conceptual framework containing five dimensions was then constructed based on the theory of "Habitual Domains and Marketing" and applied to analyze the travelers’ behavior and provide profitable suggestions to the operators. A survey through face-to-face interviews was conducted to collect the required data for empirical study. The LISREL model technique was then applied to explore the demand characteristics, behavior and intentions of travelers. The study results show the five dimensions of socioeconomic characteristics, trip characteristics, experience and perception, satisfaction to sercvice quality, and intention are all significantly related to the travelers' behavior. Based on these findings, a service quality checklist was then developed to help the operators to review their own strength and weakness in the competitive environment and find the marketing niches. Finally, some value-added services and the marketing niches for the 4P marketing strategies related to product, price, place and promotion are suggested to the operators and the authority concerned. The study results of this research not only explore the demend characteristics of intercity freeway bus users, but also provide a set of valuable information for marketing for operators. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/67060 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |