Title: 航空公司航班客位需求與訂位艙等規劃
Modeling Airline Booking Demands and Dynamic Booking Inventory Control
Authors: 陳雅妮
Ya-Ni Chen
Chaug-Ing Hsu
Keywords: 航班客位需求;訂位艙等規劃;時間價值;flight passenger demand;booking seat inventory control;value of time
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 訂位艙等規劃係依不同費率等級的訂位需求,規劃同一等級座艙中、不同票價費率等級預留座位數,使得艙位作最有效利用,以獲取最大收益,其方式乃藉由低價與高價艙位配置數量間的調整來求取最大的期望利潤,以期航空公司在載客率與獲利能力間達到滿意的結果。然而最佳的訂位艙位規劃乃取決於準確的訂位需求預測,當訂位需求預測模式推測出各艙位可能的載客量及對應的機率時,即可經由收益最大化原則,選定最佳艙位規劃,與制定最適之開票期限及候補容量。
In order to improve revenues in a very competitive market, it is common for airlines to sell a pool of identical seats at different prices according to different booking classes. Under the circumstances, the airline booking inventory control seeks to maximize revenue by determining whether a booking request at a specific point should be accepted or denied. The objective of airline booking inventory control is to maximize the expected revenue by allocating the seats of different fare classes. Hopefully, it can reach satisfactory trade-off between the flight load rate and profit. However, optimum booking seat inventory control depends on accurate booking demand prediction. This paper brings up a new idea of flight passenger demand model by reflecting passengers’ actual demands with their values of time towards different fare class expiration dates. Through the formulation and results of flight passenger demand model, the paper can analyze and obtain not only the probabilities of passengers’ choice of their fare classes, but also the probabilities of diverting to other fare classes, and to other competitive airlines.
Furthermore, this paper develops a booking seat inventory model by maximizing the airline’s revenues to decide the optimum booking policy, which can find the reservation level of each fare class at every decision period during the entire booking period. In addition, the model also can determine the most appropriate waiting capacity, and the deadline of passenger ticketing. Finally, an example using actual booking records of an international airline is used to demonstrate the model. The result shows that if the airline’s fare products do not satisfy passengers’ demands, its revenues will decline. With the consideration of booking cancellation and waiting capacities, the model result of the study is more coincide with actual data as compared with those using existing methods found in literature. Besides, the result also shows that when the deadline of passenger ticketing is closer to the date of flight departure, the airline’s expected revenue will increase. The results of the paper can be used as guidelines on determining the optimal revenue management plans for airline operators.
Appears in Collections:Thesis