Title: 快速動量量測演算法之研究
On a fast motion estimation algorithm
Authors: 羅正弘
Jeng-hung Luo
Tihao Chiang
Keywords: 動量量測;快速動量量測;快速動量量測演算法之研究;fast motion estimation;motion estimation;On a fast motion estimation algorithm
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 近年來隨著軟硬體以及網路技術的進步,多媒體的應用亦突飛猛進。諸如聲音、靜態影像以及動態影像等等的處理、存取、傳輸乃至於即時傳輸逐一的在現實生活中得以實現。其中聲音及靜態影像在網路上的處理與傳輸技術已經趨於成熟,唯動態影像的即時壓縮以及傳輸尚不能突破硬體的限制。動態影像的壓縮技術中,動量量測扮演了很重要的角色。它不僅佔了大部分的壓縮時間,同時量測的精準度也直接影響到壓縮的品質。
Recently multimedia applications flourished with the progress of software, hardware and network. Processing and transmission of audio, still images and videos over networks have been realized in our daily life. Among them the audio and still image applications are nearly mature, however the real-time video compression and transmission is still limited by the hardware capability. In the video compression, motion estimation plays an essential role. It not only occupies lots of computation time but also influences the encoding efficiency and visual quality of the encoded bitstream.
In this thesis, we focus on a robust and fast motion estimation algorithm. First of all we start with combining the hierarchical motion search and selective pre- diction of motion vector field. Then we try to reduce the complexity and bit-depth. Later the fast motion estimation based on hierarchical motion search and binary representation of 8-bit wide data is developed and we spend lots of efforts to optimize the algorithm. After the problem of speed is solved, we further attempt to improve the binarization efficiency by testing various binarization methods. Finally we will show that binarization methods are closely coupled to the accuracy of binary motion estimation algorithms. All in all we provide a flexible solution of the fast motion estimation based on binary pyramid.
Appears in Collections:Thesis