Title: Ka頻段平面次諧波混頻器之設計
Design of Ka-Band Planar Sub-harmonic Mixers
Authors: 林融聖
Kelvin Lin
Dr. Shyh-Jong Chung
Keywords: 混頻器;毫米波;次諧波;Mixer;millimeter;sub-harmonic
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本論文目的設計一混頻器提供給予LMDS系統使用,製作於Ka頻段;由於系統規劃,決定採取次諧波混頻器的架構。基於隔離度自然形成、單平面製作、和與基頻混頻器有區隔的原則下,將在論文中完整整理可用於次諧波混頻器的架構,並稍加評斷其優劣,以供設計前的參考。
This article is to design a mixer at Ka-band to provide the LMDS system. As our planning, we decided to use the sub-harmonically mixers structure. Since sub-harmonically mixer has the characters of naturally forming isolation, uni-planar fabrication, and different to fundamental mixer and we’ll completely collect the structures of the sub-harmonically mixers and detail the benefit of them.
In the other hand, consideration of the process, we will implement three uni-planar sub-harmonically mixers. That include, single-ended sub-harmonically mixer, single planar sub-harmonically mixer, single-balanced sub-harmonically mixer. At least, we’ll compare the performances of them.
Appears in Collections:Thesis