DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorJin-Shuei Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Jaw-Ming Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract行動電話顧客對服務補救反應之研究-以知覺公平觀點探討 研究生:陳金水 指導教授:陳照明教授 國立交通大學經營管理研究所 摘 要 由於顧客需求的多樣性及服務的多變性,服務缺失之發生乃無可避免,如果能妥善處理服務缺失,不但能讓企業有機會改善自我缺失,而且可使顧客在經歷服務補救之後,反而對企業有更高的忠誠度。根據交通部的調查,行動電話系統業目前依舊存有服務缺失,亟待業者採取適當服務補救措施以利提升顧客滿意度。遺憾的是,儘管越來越多業者已意識到服務補救之重要性,但不滿意的顧客還是很多,原因可能在於業者並未真正了解顧客對服務補救處理的需求,致給予不適當的處理方式。所以有關顧客對服務補救的評估方式應儘速設法了解,俾利提昇服務補救滿意度。 本研究係以台北市地區為研究範圍,並以行動電話顧客曾向系統業者提出抱怨者為研究對象。主要目的在探討當顧客遭遇業者服務缺失後,對業者服務補救措施反應之評估,顧客之反應包括對各知覺公平構面及服務補救滿意度的感受情形 。 本研究先透過因素分析,將知覺公平構面分為「分配公平」、「程序公平」及「互動公平」等三個構面。研究結果發現,行動電話服務補救後,顧客對分配公平的感受程度,在職業、教育程度及每月所得上均有顯著差異;而顧客對程序公平的感受程度,則在職業及每月所得上均有顯著差異;至於顧客對互動公平的感受程度,則在年齡、職業、教育程度及每月所得上均有顯著差異。另外亦發現若顧客分別對分配公平、程序公平及互動公平等構面之感受程度越高,則顧客對服務補救滿意度越高。最後並發現知覺公平的三個構面對服務補救滿意度影響的高低順序分別為分配公平、程序公平及互動公平,可見行動電話顧客最重視的是分配公平(亦即服務補救處理的結果)。 根據研究結果,建議業者對各知覺公平構面的感受程度較低或最低之顧客人口統計變數,應加強其公平感受程度,以利提升服務補救滿意度。 關鍵字:服務缺失、服務補救、知覺公平、分配公平、程序公平、 互動公平、服務補救滿意度zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Study on the Mobile Telephone Customers’ Response to Service Recovery: from the Point of View of Perceived Justice Student:Jin-Shuei Chen Advisor:Dr. Jaw-ming Chen Institute of Management and Business College, National Chiao Tung University Abstract Due to the variety of customer need and the variation of service, service failure is posing as a matter of inevitable issue. However, if dealt with properly, the occurrence of service failure can not only offer the enterprise an opportunity to improve itself but also likely create high loyalty in the customers who have been given right service recovery. According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Transportation and Communication, there still remains a certain amount of service failure with the mobile system enterprises. Some necessary recovery actions are therefore required to be undertaken in order to raise the customers’ satisfaction. Regretfully, even more and more service providers sense the importance of service recovery, there still are many customers who are unsatisfied with the service given. Presumably it is because the service providers never realized the customers’ real need for right measures of service recovery and in turn gave the wrong or improper measures of recovery. Hence, trying to understand the assessment and evaluation system is critical to improve the satisfaction of service recovery. This paper takes as the object of the research the customers who had filed complaints to system providers in Taipei City area. The main purpose of the research is to study customer reaction to the service recovery measures after suffering from certain types of service failure. The reaction includes the perceived justice and perception of satisfaction to service recovery. By means of factor analysis, this research divides perceived justice into three categories: distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice. The results of this research are as follows: 1. Customers' responses to distributive justice have significant difference in terms of occupation, education and monthly income. 2. Customers' responses to procedural justice have significant difference in terms of occupation and monthly income. 3. Customers' responses to interactional justice have significant difference in terms of age, occupation, education and monthly income. 4. The more customers' perception to distributive justice, procedure justice and interactional justice respectively, the higher customers' satisfaction to service recovery. 5. The sequence of three types of perceived justice in terms of significance tending to affect the satisfaction level of service recovery is as follows: distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice. It means mobile telephone customers care most about the distributive justice, i.e. the results of service recovery. The research accordingly makes a suggestion to service providers and urges them try to figure out the demographical variable in customer groups which show lower or lowest level of perceived justice, so as to increase the satisfaction of service recovery. Key word:service failure , service recovery, perceived justice, distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice, satisfaction of service recoveryen_US
dc.subjectservice failureen_US
dc.subjectservice recoveryen_US
dc.subjectperceived justiceen_US
dc.subjectdistributive justiceen_US
dc.subjectprocedural justiceen_US
dc.subjectinteractional justiceen_US
dc.subjectsatisfaction of service recoveryen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Mobile Telephone Customers’ Response to Service Recovery: from the Point of View of Perceived Justiceen_US