Title: 東京大阪大學生對台灣觀光形象認知之研究
The Research on University students’Perceived Tourism Images of Taiwan in Tokyo and Osaka
Authors: 邵恬宜
Shao, Tien-I
Yuan-Kung Wu
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 觀光形象;觀光;形象
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討日本大學生心目中之台灣觀光形象,並藉以瞭解以台灣作為一觀光目的地時,東京、大阪兩地之大學生對台灣在各項觀光地屬性上的評價,及對各項觀光地屬性重要性之認知為何。研究對象為居住在東京、大阪兩地之大學生,而資料蒐集係利用面訪方式進行問卷調查,並以適當性---重要性模式之概念將形象量化,及利用因素分析、變異數分析、相關分析及獨立樣本t檢定等方法處理所得之資料,經統計分析後發現:
1. 不同人口統計變項(性別、年齡、科系、居住地)的東京、大阪之大學生對台灣在各項屬性的評價差異達顯著水準。其中女性較男性、年紀較長者相較於較年輕者對台灣的評價為高;文科大學生對台灣的評價明顯高於理科大學生;居住地為東京者對台灣之評價較低。
2. 不同旅遊經驗的東京、大阪之大學生對台灣在各項屬性上的評價達顯著差異。其中曾到過台灣者對台灣的評價較高。
3. 不同人口統計變項的東京、大阪之大學生對各項觀光地屬性重要性之認知達顯著差異。其中男女性認為最不重要的五項屬性相同,僅順序上略有出入。不同年齡層者對屬性重要性認知之差異達顯著水準;文科大學生對增長知識的機會重視程度高於理科大學生,但理科大學生較文科大學生重視休息放鬆。居住地不同者對屬性重要性之認知差異亦達顯著水準。
4. 不同旅遊經驗的東京、大阪之大學生對各項觀光地屬性重要性之認知差異達顯著水準。
5. 東京、大阪之大學生對台灣觀光形象之認知會因人口統計變項之不同而有顯著差異。其中居住地、科系及年齡三項之差異皆達顯著水準。
6. 東京、大阪之大學生對台灣觀光形象之認知會因旅遊經驗之不同而有顯著差異。
The tourism image of a location or a country has been shown to have a significant impact upon its selection therefore understanding and managing this image becomes a priority for marketing and staffs in national tourist offices and elsewhere.
The purpose of this article is to study the tourism image of Taiwan in Japanese students’ eyes. The study subjects are university students in Tokyo and Osaka. Data collection in this study is interview surveys with structured questionnaires. Among the questionnaires received, 443 were properly completed and analyzed for the study. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used to analyze the data and the analysis methods include Factor Analysis, Analysis of Variance and so on.
Results of the study revealed that: Women have better evaluation and impression of Taiwan than men have, and senior people have better evaluation and impression of Taiwan than young people have. University students who live in Tokyo have worse evaluation and impression of Taiwan than the students who live in other places have. Some attributes that Taiwan has, such as friendliness, are not what Japanese students want and so on.
To increase Japanese university students’ travel, national tourist offices should promote and improve the weakness according to what the Japanese university students want. In addition, it’s important to make holistic strategy to the target consumers. Future research could explore relationships between destination image and country image, compare Japanese with people in other countries, or deeply investigate about the variance, gender.
Appears in Collections:Thesis