標題: 以生活型態區隔之台北市民對第三代行動電話接受意願之研究
A Study on Taipei Citizens’ Willingness to Accept 3G Mobile Phone—Using Life Styles as Consumer Segmentations and Visitors to the 2000 Taipei Communication Exhibits as Samples
作者: 王嘉鵬
Jai-Peng Wang
Prof. Quang-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 第三代行動電話、創新接受、生活型態;3G mobile phone、innovation adoption、lifestyle
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 全球發展最快速最熱門的兩大產業-行動通訊和網際網路,將在廿一世紀結合,未來可以直接在行動電話手機上搜尋網際網路的訊息,即第三代行動電話將完成「網路帶著走」(internet in the pocket)的夢想。 有鑑於此,本研究嘗試由行動電話消費者及寬頻上網的消費需求,透過創新採用理論,作為未來第三代行動電話產品屬性接受程度之推論。並探討行動電話的消費者,是否能以生活型態加以區隔,來決定目標顧客群,以提供業者制定行銷策略。 本研究以參觀2000年台北電信展台北居民為例進行研究,發現生活型態可以有效區隔接受第三代行動電話接之潛在消費者,在集群二及集群四的接受意願較高;不同生活型態的消費者集群在評估準則中的行銷服務、品牌造型、功能擴充有顯著差異存在,可擬定不同的行銷策略,鎖定不同的目標顧客群;在接受過程中,約七成的民眾聽過3G行動電話,而且聽過3G行動電話民眾中大多數認為3G 產品功能比 WAP、GPRS兩者提供更多元化的服務,在資訊來源上,主要為電視、報章雜誌佔大多數,其次是網路媒體及電信業者。在興趣方面,以有興趣者居多數;採用時間,以六至十二個月佔大多數。另外在產品屬性中相容便利、功能擴充、品牌造型三項因素構面,在區分『接受第三代行動電話』與『不接受第三代行動電話』上具有顯著性。
The two fast developing industries, mobile communication and the internet, will converge in the 21st century. It is already a reality that user is able to surf the internet or view their emails and messages directly through their mobile devices, and the 3G mobile phone will soon fulfill the dream of "Internet in the pocket". The purpose of this paper, while using Roger's Innovation Adoption Theory as its frame, is to identify the acceptance of the 3G mobile phone based on consumers' preference and their demand for broad band. In addition, we try to find out whether the mobile phone consumers can be segregated by their life style so as to identify target consumer groups and to provide our research results to the industry to formulate their marketing strategies. The samples we used for this study are the attendants of the 2000 Taipei Communication Exhibits. From the samples we discovered that potential users can be effectively segregated by life style and Group 2 and 4 have the highest acceptance rate, though difference do exist in terms of marketing, servicing, brand, appearance and expendability. In order to target these potential customers, different marketing strategies are required. About 70% of the sample attendants who has heard of 3G mobile phone have expressed that the new generation mobile phone can provide multifunctional services when compared to WAP and GPRS phones. Primary sources of such 3G mobile phone information comes from TV, newspapers and magazines, the rest are from internet and telecommunication industry. Majority of the sample attendants showed strong interests in this new generation mobile phone and have expressed their intention to purchase the phone within a 6 to 12 month period. Between those who accept the 3G mobile phone and those who don't, there is a clear variance on the convenience, the expandability and the appearance.