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dc.contributor.authorMei-Jiuan Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorQuang-Hua Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著資訊科技的進步使全球各地的電腦都能連成一線,人們透過網路的互動越來越頻繁,銀行經營也面臨到轉型的關鍵時刻;銀行業者過去受限於服務時間,造成某些客戶的不便,尤其一到尖峰時間,客戶需花費相當多的等待時間,透過網際網路資訊即時、資源共享的特性,將可解決這個問題。 此外,過去銀行提供金融服務,設立一個分行就要投資巨額資金,再加上人力成本,而所能提供服務的客戶卻很有限,但是如果透過網際網路,則沒有昂貴的租金成本、即使提供服務的人力沒有減少,但是可服務的客戶範圍卻可以無遠弗屆,如此可以大幅降低金融業的經營成本,也因此有能力提供客戶更好的服務,或是更優惠的價格,而銀行將有能力把人力拿來對顧客做完全不一樣、更高附加價值的服務。另一方面,由於網路銀行無時間地點限制,網路銀行帶給個人與企業的服務將是更即時、更多樣、更國際化、更個人化。因此,『網路銀行』發展潛力無窮。 本研究以追尋利益為市場區隔之區隔變數,針對台北市個人網路銀行使用者作問卷調查,探討不同區隔群之網路銀行使用者,使用網路銀行的原因、使用服務項目及期望服務項目。 研究結果得到四個利益區隔群:『理財速度』群、『豐富簡便』群、『安全保密』群、『印象』群,分別整理出其集群特徵並針對各集群隻特徵結合本研究之研究目的提出四項銀行在網路銀行行銷上的具體建議。 一、 網路銀行整體行銷策略 二、 針對追尋利益與使用主因的行銷策略 三、 針對資訊來源的行銷策略 四、 針對不同集群之行銷建議zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the development of information technology, people communicate with each other via internet more and more frequently, and the operation of bank also face the turning point. Owing to the limitation of service time, banks used to make inconvenient to it’s customers. But we can now solve the problem through internet because of the characteristics of information instantaneousness and resource sharing. Furthermore, banks need to invest a big amount for setting up a branch and labor cost, but they can only service limited customers. However, internet bank doesn’t have hugely rental cost, and even though the same amount of labor, it’s service is far-fetching availability. Such that it can enormously lower bank’s operation cost, and banks thus can offer better service or favorable price to customers. Internet bank then switch manpower to offer totally different and value added service. In the other hand, in virtue of no limitation of time and location, the service that internet bank could offer to people and firms will be more immediately, more diversified, more international, more customizational. Hence, the potential of the internet bank market expending is infinite. This study uses “expected benefit” to be the segment variable of market segmentation. It takes internet bank users who live in Taipei as an example, from which samples were drawn by questionnaire, to discuss internet bank users’ consumer behavior of different benefit segments. The conclusions and results of analysis are reached as follows: internet bank users of Taipei can be efficiently segmented by expected benefit into four clusters. There is a significant difference between the different segments in motivation, sources of information, consumer behaviors and demographics. Eventually, according to the features of benefit segmentations, the study presents suggestions for marketing strategies.en_US
dc.subjectInternet Banken_US
dc.subjectMarket Segmentationen_US
dc.subjectBenefit Segmentationen_US
dc.titleThe Study of Market Segmentation and Marketing Strategy of Internet Bank Users in Taipeien_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis