標題: 公務人員進用制度中考選機關與用人機關的運作落差
A Study on Operational Differences Between Examination Institutes and Employment Institutes of Government Employees Recruiting System
作者: 張祈良
Chi-Liang Chang
Dr. Charng-Horng Hsieh
關鍵字: 公務人員;進用制度;考選機關;用人機關;運作落差;Government Employee;Recruiting System;Examination Institutes;Employment Institutes;Operational Difference
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 如何落實公務人員進用制度,提升公務人員素質以配合機關用人及因應社會需求,乃是政府人力資源部門迫切需要思考與規劃重點。由於公務人員進用制度在考選機關與用人機關執行時,產生運作落差,造成機關人員進用時間過長、人員無法確實補足、考試及格分發人員的能力與機關業務性質所需專業性不一致,選才與用才難以充分配合、導致人員流失情況嚴重,影響用人機關業務推展。 有鑑於此,本研究從公務人員進用制度的執行現況中,找出考選機關與用人機關在運作上的落差,分析其運作落差情況,推論出現運作落差的可能原因,思考落差形成因素的基本概念,以及應以何種基本概念來思考解決的途徑。研究主要發現在考試安排規劃階段之運作落差為:考選機關試務辦理單一化、任用計畫內容、人員甄補時間、考試方法技術。其造成主要原因是:考選機關獨立於用人機關之外、考選機關單一化、無意願授權部分考試由用人機關自行舉辦,用人機關無法參與考選試務運作。在錄取與分發訓練階段之運作落差為:錄取人數不足、分發人數不足、人與事難以充分密切配合。其造成主要原因是:任用考試較無彈性,不具人才儲備之功能、用人機關無自行甄選筆試及格人員之用人權。 依據上述研究發現與成果,公務人員進用制度出現運作落差之背景及原因相當複雜,而考選機關及用人機關均具有推動改善運作落差的可能性。為能改善運作落差,考選機關在未來可以建立公務人員證照化制度,衡量機關本身的資源,考量是否將部分考試委託民間單位或授權用人機關自行辦理,並以用人機關的觀點來辦理考試。而用人機關除了儘量適應現狀運作之外,可以在年度任用計畫上寬估用人名額、研訂考試及格分發人員限制調離年限、爭取參與考試運作或具有遴用考試及格人員用人權等方向努力。
The means of implementing an efficacious recruitment system that enhances the quality of the employee body while accommodates the organizational and society needs is imperative to the government's human resources department in both thinking and planning directions. The operational differences between the examination and employment parts in execution have resulted in the gap of personnel recruitment and performance, causing great dilemma for the employment organizations. On account of which, this study attempts to locate and analyse the specific differences between the examination and the employment part from the current practice of public employee recruiting system in inferring the possible causes. The study findings that the differences occurred in the stage of examination planning and arrangement are: the examination organizations are single purpose oriented in terms of employment plan content, recruitment schedule and examination method and technique. The primary reasons are: the examinations are independent from the employment segment, and unwilling to delegate partial relevant authority to the employment segment for carrying out own examination or test, that fenced out the employment segment's participation in the recruitment process. Meanwhile, the operational differences during the stage of acceptance, assignment and training are: not accepting, assigning sufficient new recruits, non-matching of professional skills and post requirement. The primary causes are: inflexible examination system, the actual employment segment has no rights to interview the candidates already passed the written test. Based on the study discoveries and results above, it can be concluded: 1. The background and reasons of the operational differences of the government's recruitment mechanism are rather complex; 2. Both the examination and the employment parts have potentials for improving the differences.