标题: 底部在高温的水平管道中上板加热对空气混合对流涡流结构的影响
Effects of Top Plate Heating on Mixed Convection Vortex Flow of Air in a Bottom Heated Horizontal Flat Duct
作者: 张钧毅
Chun-Yi Chang
Tsing-Fa Lin
关键字: 混合对流;上板加热;水平扁平管道;涡流;底板加热;mixed convection;top plate heating;horizontal flat duct;vortex flow;bottom heaating
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 结合流场观测及暂态温度测量的实验被实现在此论文中,用以研究在底部加热的水平扁平管道中藉由上板加热对管道内混合空气对流涡流结构(如;横向涡卷、纵向涡卷、混合涡卷)的稳定及消除影响。实验上,有系统的变化上板温度用来检视流场在时间与空间上结构的变化,并详细的观察各种流场条件下(上板温度、流场雷诺数和雷利数)造成流场结构的变化。实验所使用的开放式混合对流设备是沿用实验室以往已架设好的设备,其主要测试断的宽高比为12。实验范围包含了广大的浮力与惯性力比比值(雷诺数从1到50,雷利数从4000到8000,无因次的上板温度 从0到1;每1/8为一间隔)。
在研究的结果中清楚的指出,管道中上板加热确实能有效的稳定及消除流场中横向涡卷、纵向涡卷、混合涡卷和混乱对流的涡流结构。同时对于稳定因底板加热所产生的不稳定性,也显示出它重要的影响。且当上板温度接近于底板温度时,流场不稳定大都被抑制,而形成单一方向流动情况。在实验的过程中,发现到一些不常见的的涡流结构;入口存在有1到2个停留的横向涡卷,伴随下游产生有10到12卷纵向涡卷,他们仅出现在较高的浮力与惯性力比比值。最后将实验资料整理成一张表格在(Table 3.2)。
An experiment combining flow visualization and transient temperature measurement is carried out here to study the possible stabilization and elimination of the buoyancy driven unstable longitudinal, transverse and mixed vortex flow in mixed convection of air in a bottom heated horizontal flat duct by the top plate heating. Systematic variations in the top plate temperature were performed to examine its effects on the spatial and temporal flow structures. How the top plate temperature and the Reynolds and Rayleigh numbers of the flow affect the vortex flow characteristics is investigated in detail. An open loop mixed convection apparatus established earlier was employed in this investigation and the test section is a high aspect ratio (A=12) rectangular duct. Experiment is conducted for the Reynolds number varying from 1 to 50, Rayleigh number from 4,000 to 8,000 and the nondimensional top plate temperature from 0 to 1 at an interval of 1/8, covering a wide range of the buoyancy-to-inertia ratio.
The results from this study indicate that the top plate heating substantially stabilizes and eliminates the longitudinal, transverse, mixed longitudinal and transverse, and irregular vortex flows. It shows significant effects of stabilizing the vortex flow induced by the buoyancy resulting from the heated bottom plate of the duct. At the high top plate temperature even the entire irregular vortex flow can be eliminated and the flow is unidirectional in the duct. Obviously the transient flow oscillation in the flow is completely suppressed. An unfamiliar vortex structure consisting of stationary transverse rolls in the duct inlet and longitudinal rolls in the downstream is noted in the present study. They appear only at high buoyancy- to-inertia ratios. Various vortex flow patterns observed in the present study are summarized in Table 3.2.