Title: 利用二次渦旋粘滯紊流模式之非結構性網格計算
Unstructured Grid Calculation Using Quadratic Eddy- Viscosity Models
Authors: 張明介
Ming-Jie Chang
Yeng-Yung Tsui
Keywords: 非結構性網格;二次渦旋粘滯紊流模式;紊流;Unstructured Grid;Quadratic Eddy- Viscosity Models;Turbulent
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 在本論文中引用SIMPLE壓力修正法,用有限容積法來離散統御方程式﹐並採用非交錯式之非結構性網格。
In this thesis, SIMPLE algorithm were applied to numerical simulation with Unstructured grid.
Numerical simulations were applied to several turbulent flows, including:(1)Fully developed channel flow﹐(2)flow through a back-step, (3)flow through a expansion pipe with various expansion angle, using (I)standard linear k-εmodel(II)second order nonlinear models, Including Speziale’s model and Rubinstein’s model. The predicted mean and turbulent results were compared with experimental results.
Predictions of mean velocity, shear stress, and turbulent kinetic energy by Linear model and Nonlinear models are comparable. Nonlinear models predict better results in turbulence intensity and reattachment length. Compared with experimental results, all model performing poorly in the separated regions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis