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dc.contributor.authorChien-Yen Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorChien Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract為了達到整廠生產、搬運自動化以及降低生產時間、提高生產量的目的,半導體製程設備控制器就扮演了以個舉足輕重的地位了﹔所以本論文最主要的目的就是設計一個以物件導向方式、即時控制的集束型半導體製程設備控制器(Cluster Tool Controller),並研究如何在控制器設計的過程當中,找到某些分析的法則,可以幫助我們發現設計上的盲點,使我們在設計過程之中即可發現問題所在,以減少設計的時間。 系統透過物件導向階層化設計之後,可將系統分工更為明確;系統元件模組化之後使系統更能有效率的整合,因此本研究採用統一化模式語言(Unified Modeling language, UML)發展集束型半導體製程設備控制器之物件導向軟體。 依據SEMI標準書規範,為了讓集束型半導體製程設備能夠自動化生產,控制器必須提供晶圓移動管理以及製程管理兩大功能,製程配方管理、例外管理、事件報告、物件服務等功能使控制器更能有效率的管理整個設備的生產工作。 系統於物件導向分析階段以UML的使用案例圖(Use Case Diagram)界定系統功能需求,循序圖(Sequence Diagram)或活動圖(Activity Diagram)說明系統行為模式,循序圖說明物件與物件間事件的發生順序,活動圖說明系統流程。 系統於物件導向設計階段以類別圖(Class Diagram)建立系統軟體架構,並參照系統分析階段發展之循序圖或活動圖建立類別與類別之間的關係,同時以狀態圖(State Diagram)或活動圖(Activity Diagram)描述各類別的動態行為。 系統經由物件導向分析與設計之後,本論文將設計好之UML模型,利用UML與彩色斐氏網[13][14](Coloured Petri Nets,簡稱CPN)的轉換法則,將UML模型轉換成CPN模型,利用CPN形式分析方法分析系統動態行為,希望在系統實作之前找出設計上的盲點,並且加以修正,以減少設計的時間。 透過UML與CPN之轉換,使UML維持原有物件導向設計的好處,也消弭原來UML的限制,例如對於物件狀態的描述更為詳盡;UML亦可應用CPN之形式分析方法,增加了形式分析的功能;此外,經由物件導向方式分析與設計之後,系統可分成數個次系統,在透過個別分析之後,即可知道整個系統的動態行為,因此減低了CPN形式分析在工業上應用的困難程度。 為了能分析系統動態行為,本論文將UML之狀態圖、活動圖以及循序圖轉換成CPN模型,進而可利用CPN之形式分析方法分析系統系統動態行為,此種方法本論文稱之為物件導向形式分析,可分成兩階段進行,一個是各CPN模型的獨立分析,狀態圖可利用CPN之形式分析方法檢查是否有死結;活動圖或循序圖的部分,可檢查轉換後的模型是否可到達(reachable),也就是分析系統是否能執行完成活動圖或循序圖的動作流程;另一個是模型與模型間交錯分析,可將循序圖或活動圖為CPN動態模型視為參考範本,以比較有系統的方式將相關物件之動態CPN模型收集起來進行交錯分析。 物件導向形式分析分析方法可以下列三個步驟進行,首先檢查CPN網路架構,對系統結構作初步的判斷,若此階段無法判斷系統是否有設計上的盲點,可利用CPN之不變量分析方法分析系統,若上述方法分析有困難時,亦可藉助CPN電腦輔助程式模擬分析系統特性。 未來可繼續利用本論文之物件導向分析、設計以及形式分析三個步驟改變不同假設條件,或不同的排程法則,藉由撰寫程式之模擬,可以比較不同之執行效能,藉由模擬比較之後,設計出最符合實際需求之集束型半導體製程控制器。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCluster Tool controller plays an important role in order to achieve the aim of manufacture of the whole factory, automatic transportation, reduction of the productive time and enhancement of the throughput. Therefore cluster tool controller based on the OO method and the real-time control is proposed in the thesis. Cluster tool controller provides the services what are processing management, material movement management, exception management, event reporting, recipe management and object service for the cluster tool automatic manufacture by the definition of the SEMI standard. The system can be integrated more efficiently after the controller through the hierarchical and classified design. Besides, The controller can be presented as UML through the OO design and analysis. It could be defined the system requirement with the usecase diagram and described the scenario with the activity diagram or sequence diagram. About the the system detail, it could be presented the relationship betweens objects by the class diagram and used the state diagram or activity diagram to detail the behavior of objects. Then by using the transferred rule recovered in the thesis between the UML and CPN, The UML model can be transferred to CPN model, and the behavior of the dynamic system can be analyzed in the method of CPN formal analysis. If we can find out the blind spot in this system before implementation and correct it, the cost time will be reduced when designed. It could be called OO formal analysis method to check the system OO model with the methodology. OO formal analysis method has two parts to analyze the system. One is for the individual CPN models. It could be check if there is any condition such as deadlock in the state diagram and if the model is reachable in the activity diagram or sequence diagram. The other is to analyze the interaction between CPN models. In this part it could be found out the interactive event between models in the sequence diagram to inspect the behavior of the relative models. OO formal analysis method has three steps to analyze the system. First is to inspect the structure of the CPN models. If it is too difficult to inspect the structure, it will be in the second step that is to use the place or transition invariant method of CPN inspecting the system. There are also computer programs of CPN to help inspect the system if the preceding steps invalidly. In the future it could be developed the best controller with the OO analysis, design and formal analysis method between the different conditions in the system or rules for scheduling the task.en_US
dc.subjectObject-oriented Design and Formal Analysisen_US
dc.subjectObject-oriented Designen_US
dc.subjectFormal Analysisen_US
dc.subjectsemi-conductor equipmenten_US
dc.subjectcluster toolen_US
dc.subjectColor Petri Neten_US
dc.titleObject-oriented Design and Formal Analysis for Cluster Tool Controller of Semiconductor EquipmentObject-oriented Design and Formal Analysis for Cluster Tool Controller of Semiconductor Equipmenten_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis