標題: 網路輔助高中數學教學之初探
A pilot study of using web-assisted instructional systems for high school's mathematical teaching.
作者: 林俊良
Chun-Liang Lin
Dr. Song-Sun Lin
Dr. Chin-Chung Tsai
關鍵字: 網路教學;數學;三角函數;數學學習館;學習成效;學習素材
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 摘要 本研究之目的在於研究網路輔助高中數學教學之現況,為一初探性研究,分別從教師面及學生面進行了解,希望可以對於未來實際將電腦網路納入實際教學設計當中時,提出適當之建議及方法,讓教師們了解如何妥善將電腦網路融入教學當中,讓學生能夠較傳統方式擁有較佳的學習成效。 研究中首先利用問卷設計對120位中等學校數學教師進行教師面之研究,利用問卷調查了解現階段教師們對於網路學習素材的看法,包含教師之網路一般態度、網路素材態度、多媒體呈現態度以及未來意願態度等四方面,之後利用統計叢集分析,從各叢集當中挑選深度訪談對象,進一步了解數學教師對網路學習素材的看法。 從教師面研究完成之後,參考當中的建議及文獻資料,尋找適當之網路學習環境,配合該環境實際設計出一個教學單元,希望了解學生在該單元之學習成效,採用準實驗研究法,實驗樣本取自新竹某兩所高中一年級實驗組及對照組各兩班,前後共進行約兩週,前後分別進行數學成就測驗,比較了解學生在實際瀏覽網路學習素材之成效差異。 最後根據實驗結果分析,本研究有如下發現:一、現階段數學教師對於網路教學都呈現正面的看法,網路上資源豐富參考價值高,適當的多媒體能夠吸引學生學習,並能夠輔助學生觀察一些數學現象,未來希望能夠實際利用網路教學來彌補一般教學所不能,讓學生可以了解當中數學涵義,但礙於課堂壓力或設備問題不能完全實現,希望未來能夠有機會實際採用電腦網路做為教學輔助工具。二、網路學習可以增進學生應用領域的思考,並能夠縮短男女性別之間在應用領域的差距,並可以縮短一般實驗學校與傳統學校間之學習成效差距。
The purpose of this study was to explore the current situation of using web-based instructional systems in high school's mathematical teaching. This study was pilot in nature, and it dealt with the aspects of teachers and students separately. By investigating both students' and teachers' viewpoints, this study attempted to provide useful suggestions and methods for web-based instruction in mathematics. This study, first, surveyed 120 high school mathematics teachers' views toward web-based curriculum and instruction. The questionnaire included 4 factors, including the attitudes toward about the use of network, the attitudes toward the web-based learning materials, the attitudes toward multimedia presentation on the web, and the attitude toward future teaching of using the web. The questionnaire data were analyzed by a cluster analysis. And one teacher in each cluster was selected for further interview. Based on the data collected from teachers, this study, then, tried to construct a proper system for web-based mathematics learning. The system was empirically examined by two high school students in Hsinchu. Two classes (one in each school) were assigned to an experimental group, experiencing the web-based system, while another two classes (one in each school) were assigned to a control group, receiving traditional approach to mathematics instruction. The results derived from this study suggested the following findings. First, the mathematics teachers, in general, had positive viewpoints about the networked teaching. They believed that the rich resources on the web and multimedia presentations might help students understand some abstract mathematical concepts and the nature of mathematical knowledge. However, the pressures caused by crammed syllabus and the insufficient support of using web might hinder their motivation to use web-based instructional systems. Second, the data from the students revealed that the use of web-based instruction could enhance students' knowledge acquisition in mathematics, in particular in Bloom's application level. This study also suggested that the use of web-based instruction might be a potential method to narrow the gap between male and female students' mathematics achievement, and to narrow the gap between experimental and traditional schools' performance in mathematics.