Title: 網路空間認知地圖之初探研究
The Cyberspace as a Cognitive Map: A Preliminary Study
Authors: 陳彥任
Yen-Jen Chen
Yu-Tung Liu
Keywords: 網路空間;都市設計;環境心理學;知覺歷程;巡航策略;認知地圖;Cyberspace;Urban Design;Environmental Psychology;Surfing Strategy;Cognitive Maps
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 網際網路是二十世紀末人類的重大發明之一,在網際網路商業化應用之後,關於網路的各種研究也相繼產生。目前為止已經有社會學門、心理學門、資訊學門等引用各學門過去的研究背景,對於網路做初步的研究探討,成果豐碩。從社會學門與心理學門的研究顯示,網路使用者在網路環境中瀏覽時,產生類比於現實環境的空間現象,於是產生網路空間等相關名詞與討論議題。社會學門與心理學門目前皆針對網路上使用者的互動,以及網路使用者操作瀏覽網路介面工具產生的動作,討論網路使用者在網路環境中的空間體驗。建築學者也陸續引用自身學門的空間與環境之研究背景,對於網路進行研究,並初步做出關於網路環境之空間隱喻性的結論,以及關於網路迷途感等相關議題之探討。本研究有鑑於過去研究尚未針對網路使用者瀏覽整體網路環境時,對於環境資訊的掌握方式,以及網路環境資訊構成元素所賦予之空間性的意涵,對於網路使用者有何種空間性認知的影響。因此本研究引用都市設計過去研究實體環境的研究經驗,與環境心理學的理論及研究方法,針對WWW與BBS複合的多元性網路環境,討論網路使用者在瀏覽網路環境時,掌握環境資訊的方式,並進一步分析出網路使用者在建構瀏覽網路經驗時,所產生之網路空間認知地圖,對於瀏覽網路時的影響與幫助。期待此初步性研究,能作為日後研究網路空間的後續研究者之參考依據。
The Internet, a great invention in the 20th century, is widely investigated since it has been commercially applied and used. So far there’re a great number of researches of social, psychological and IT aspects of the Internet. The concept of “Cyber Space” comes from the sociology and physiology perspective, which reveals that the Internet users tend to create the figuration of Internet as a real simulation of a comprehensive space. Previous studies usually focus on the interactivities and behavior of the Internet users via Internet browser interface to discuss the spatial experiences in the Internet environment. The researches of architectural aspect likewise conclude the Internet’s spatial metaphor and feeling astray at the Internet. With the knowledge and expertise achieved from previous researches on the interactive mode, information representation, and spatial metaphor of the Internet, this study focuses on two things. Firstly, it attempts to examine on how do the Internet users deal with the environmental information while exploring the Internet. Secondly, it analyzes the cognitive effects of spatial elements constructed by Internet environmental information on Internet users. Thus, this paper introduces the research experience and theories in urban design and environmental psychology to examine the Internet users’ behavior on World Wide Web (WWW) and Bulletin Board System (BBS) with Protocol Analysis. The purpose is to generate the cognitive maps of cyberspace and the basic Internet exploring models, as well as demonstrate influence of the cognitive maps on the next Internet exploring.
Appears in Collections:Thesis