Title: 電腦輔助歷史建築復原的流程探討---一個知識呈現與整合的模式
A study of the computerized procedure in the restoration of historical architecture---The procedure of knowledge representation and combination
Authors: 唐聖凱
shen-kai Tang
Y. T. Liu
Keywords: 知識呈現;知識整合;歷史建築;電腦媒材;電腦輔助歷史建築復原流程;knowledge representation;knowledge combination;historical architecture;computer media;the computerized procedure of historical architecture reconstruction
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 歷史建築復原在知識呈現上,如同一般建築設計的知識一樣,必須透過許多的傳統媒材來呈現(徐明福,1989; Liu, 2001)。而由於電腦媒材的介入,以往的施作工法的口訣、施工圖以及透視圖的繪製、材質樣板的製作慢慢的被電腦媒材所取代(Hung and Wang, 2000; Heng, 1995; Bourdakis, 1997; Liu, 2001)。而歷史建築在知識整合上,以往考古學家或相關研究者所討論知識的整合與推論等議題,亦逐漸轉以電腦媒材來進行討論(Potier, 2000; Chiu, 2001;Wang, 1995)。
有一些研究者綜合了呈現與整合兩個步驟後,更進一步的探討電腦輔助歷史建築復原的流程,這些研究皆僅在實驗室中進行假設與模擬,而沒有應用在實際工程進行(Potier, 2000)。但是,歷史建築的復原知識是動態的(dynamic),我們必須在工程進行中不斷的尋找復原的知識(夏鑄九, 1990)。因此,本研究是藉由一個歷史建築的實際復原的工程案例(集集車站復原工程),以探討傳統媒材的知識呈現、電腦媒材的知識呈現與整合以及電腦模擬材質呈現上的細部操作探討等三個部份來進行。最後提出復原過程中包含電腦化的知識呈現與整合、電腦輔助匠師思考,以及電腦輔助工程執行等四步驟的電腦輔助歷史建築復原流程。
We need to use a lot of traditional media to represent historical architecture(Shiu,1989; Liu, 2001). However, with the interference of computer media, the traditional representation on construction method, construction document, perspective drawing, and material detailing is replaced by the simulated image in computer (Hung and Wang, 2000; Heng, 1995; Bourdakis, 1997; Liu, 2001). Archeologists and researchers are gradually adapting the method of computer media to precede the discussion regarding the issues in knowledge combination and argumentation (Potier, 2000; Chiu, 2001;Wang, 1995).
In the past the research on reconstructing historical architecture only taken place in the research lab to carry on its assumption and simulation without the actual construction (Potier, 2000). However, the knowledge on reconstructing historical architecture is dynamic, and we must keep searching for the reconstruction knowledge during the construction process(Shia, 1990). Therefore, this research based on a real project, and the methodology of this research includes three steps: discussing knowledge representation of traditional media, using computer media to represent and combine knowledge, and forming detail processes of material simulation. After all, this project provides a specific method of representation and combination by computer media through a real reconstruction project.
Appears in Collections:Thesis