標題: 新台幣紙鈔意象符號認知之研究
A Study of the Icon Image of the New Taiwan Dollar
作者: 吳進生
Chin-Sheng Wu
Tien-Chun Chang
關鍵字: 貨幣;新台幣;意象;符號;圖像;紙鈔;亞元;認知;currency;New Taiwan Dollar;image;symbol;icon;paper money;Asian Dollar;cognition
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 新台幣除了具有貨幣的兌換功能外,其圖像延伸之意象更有其符號的社會性功能以及相關的文化性意涵。然而現行的新台幣意象符號已經引起台灣社會各界越來越廣泛的專題性探討。各媒體的專文評論也反應出一些事實:現有的新台幣圖像已無法完全符合時代的精神與社會的期許。由此,新台幣改版所指涉的時代性、社會結構、與文化性等多方面的符號意涵,值得深入研究。 紙鈔可視為現代人類社會最大印刷傳媒之一。當前由於政經科技時潮的主客觀情勢催化下,台灣社會正在急劇轉型中,本研究預期能從新台幣紙鈔意象符號研究發現攸關台灣更和諧轉型的意象符號重要意涵,研究結論將有助「貨幣符號」後續研究、未來亞元意象符號相關研究之參考。 本研究共分下列四個基本問題: 問題一:使用者對舊版與新版新台幣紙鈔意象符號存在什麼認知差異? 問題二:使用者對舊版與新版新台幣紙鈔意象符號之認知差異比較。 問題三:影響新台幣紙鈔圖像再更換之題材因素。 問題四:新台幣紙鈔未來新版圖像題材內容合適性之分類。 本研究係以網路問卷方式進行資料蒐集。採用的統計分析方法主要以單變項分析、多元迴歸分析、邏輯迴歸分析、獨立樣本t檢定以及變異數分析為主,並透過因子分析對本研究之代表性指標試作分類。 研究結果發現:使用者對舊版與新版新台幣紙鈔意象符號會因省籍、性別、年齡與教育程度存在認知差異。本省族群傾向同意無論是舊版或是新版均具有傳統威權的感覺。針對性別而言,男性也傾向對新版具有傳統威權意涵的感覺。但是若以紙鈔圖像之外來意涵而言,男性族群傾向同意新版比舊版較不具有外來意涵的感覺。另外,就大陸各省與本省族群比較,本省族群傾向同意新版比舊版台幣紙鈔較不具有外來意涵的感覺。對最新版新台幣再更換圖像認為必要者佔62%;再更換題材之圖像分類包括保育動植物、地方風景、藝術文化、人物團體以及意識型態等類別。其他分析所呈現出顯著影響亦見諸多項議題。
 The New Taiwan (NT) dollar is more than a medium of trade. The imagery inherent in its design bears symbols with social and cultural significance. Already, the imagery of the NT dollar has become a topic discussed by people from all levels of society. From media reports, one senses a simple fact: There is widespread belief that the current design of the NT dollar is an inadequate expression of the spirit of times and the expectations of society. From this, it is clear that the NT dollar communicates meanings operant on many levels and relevant to many facets of the times, society and culture. Thus, it is a topic worthy of in-depth research. In a sense, banknotes are modern society’s largest and most important print medium. Equally true, Taiwan is in the midst of important political, economic and technological changes. The goal of this research is to examine the new NT dollar banknotes and discover the set of imagery, symbols and ideology most appropriate to it. Hopefully, the results of this study, “Currency and its Symbols” not only The NT dollar, but also The Asian dollar will be found worthy of future reference. This research can be divided into four main areas of investigation: 1) Identifying the differences in the perception of respondents toward the symbolism of the new and old NT dollar. 2) Comparing the differences in the perception of respondents toward the symbolism of the new and old NT dollar 3) Factors influencing future changes in the symbolism of NT dollar banknotes 4) Cataloguing suitable symbols for future printings of NT dollar banknotes This research was conducted by utilizing questionnaires completed via the Internet. The major methods of statistical analysis included univariate, multiple regression, logical regression, student T-test and analysis of variance. As a result of this factor analysis, the research identified representative indicators. The findings showed that the symbolism of the NT dollar banknotes bore perceptual differences among respondents according to location of residence, sex, age and educational level. For example, Taiwan respondents tended to perceive imagery of traditional authority in the symbolism of both the new and old NT dollar banknotes. Further, males were more likely to sense imagery of traditional authority in the new NT dollar banknotes, while at the same time being more inclined to perceive foreign concepts and values in the new NT dollar banknotes. Meanwhile, in comparing the perceptions of respondents from Taiwan with those from the various provinces of mainland China, Taiwan respondents were more likely to agree that the new NT dollar banknotes bore less foreign influence than the old NT dollar banknotes. Further, 62 percent of respondents favored additional changes to the new NT dollar banknotes. Suggested themes included endangered species, local scenery, arts, groups of people and ideological symbols. The research also highlighted many other significant interactions among the many factors investigated in this research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis