標題: 降雨空間變異性對非點源污染推估之影響
Effect of rainfall spatial variation on the non-point source pollution loading estimation
作者: 林逸群
Yih Chyun Lin
J.-J. Kao
關鍵字: 非點源污染;降雨;空間變異性;non-point source pollution;rainfall;spatial variation
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 集水區非點源污染推估一般是基於一個代表性降雨量推估逕流量及沖刷下來的非點源污染量,所以降雨量是影響非點源污染推估的重要參數之一。然而降雨量會隨著空間而不同,並非是一個固定的量,故以單一代表性雨量為基準,可能會造成非點源污染量推估上的誤差,進而影響後續防治工作之規劃及決策。因而有必要分析集水區雨量在空間之空間變異性對推估非點源污染量可能造成之影響。本研究以Thiessen法、K-nearest法與Inverse Distance三種權重法推估雨量之空間分佈上之變異性,分別依上述方法分析雨量之空間變化,及比較所推估非點源污染量之差異性,而非點源污染是採用單一場次版AGNPS模式模擬其流佈與污染量。
Rainfall is one of the most important departments counting NPSP because of the extent of NPSP generated from catchment areas surrounding a reservoir is normally estimated based on a design rainfall. However, rainfall generally varies in different space. This spatial change may significantly influence the estimation of runoff volume and associated NPSP arising within a reservoir watershed. The NPSP management, reservoir operation, and water treatment operation strategies developed based on the estimation will also be altered. This study therefore analyzes the effects of spatial variation in precipitation on the estimation of pollution levels from non-point sources in a reservoir watershed. We use three common methods Thiessen polygun, the inverse distance and K-nearest-neighborhood to analysis the difference of rainfall spatial variation and differs the differences between the NPSP. The NPSP is counting form one event AGNPS model.
The Derchi reservoir watershed located in central Taiwan, R.O.C. is the area studied. Precipitation data monitored at 10 gauge stations and 26 and 56 sub-watersheds are used to assess the spatial rainfall variations and NPSP within the watershed. According to the results obtained in this study, because of according to the nearest rain gauge, the Thiessen method have the largest spatial variation. Many rainfall events have obvious spatial variations effecting the variations of NPSP. It’s not good using one value rainfall to count the NPSP. Spatial variations of rainfall effect the sort of NPSP value arising form each sub-watershed and will effect the decision of watershed controls . Because of getting real NPSP and having the right watershed control, we should consider the rainfall spatial variation.
This time series also influence the estimation of NPSP arising within a reservoir watershed. This study therefore analyzes the effects of monthly and seasonal variation in precipitation on the estimation of pollution levels from non-point sources in a reservoir watershed. Because of the result is not good, we put it in appendixes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis