標題: 奈米碳管、氧化鋅奈米線及其相關元件之特性及應用研究
Characterizations and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes, Zinc Oxide Nanowires and Related Devices
作者: 李佳穎
Chia Ying Lee
Tseung Yuen Tseng
關鍵字: 奈米碳管;超電容;氧化鋅奈米線;場發射元件;carbon nanotubes;supercapacitor;ZnO nanwires;field emission device
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本論文中將針對氧化鋅奈米線的研製、材料特性鑑別、元件製備、光學與電學等的特性研究,做一完整而詳細的分析與研究,期能尋求出一穩定的奈米儲能、光電元件應用製程。利用奈米碳管的高比表面積配合氧化錳製備之超電容複合式電極可有效的提升其電容特性;經過成長於可撓式高分子基版,鎂離子添加控制其直接能隙,利用磷離子改變其導電性質,光學激發特性分析以及場發射性質的研究,可以對現階段的氧化鋅一維奈米結構的成長機制與結晶過程給予一個較為明確的探討,同時也針對未來的儲能與場發射平面顯示元件的基礎性研究提供了清楚的模型,運用其特異奈米結構微型化的相輔相成而早日達到實際應用的領域。
Characterizations and applications of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), zinc oxide nanowires (ZnO NWs) and related devices were discussed in this study. The MnOx-CNTs composite supercapacitor electrode exhibits good capacitor abilities for the high active area of carbon nanotubes. ZnO NWs were synthesized on the flexible polymer substrate by hydrothermal method, the band gap of zinc oxide nanowires was modulated by the dopant of magnesium, and the field emission ability was enhanced by the phosphorus incorporation. The growth mechanism, optical and electric characterizations were also carrying out in this study. The present study provides a new fabrication of energy storage device and a simple process to synthesize the field emission devices based on low temperature synthesized ZnO NWs.


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