标题: 快速卫星姿态旋转之顺滑模态控制
Rapid Spacecraft Attitude Tracking Maneuvers Using Sliding-Mode Control
作者: 韩承谚
Cheng-Yan Han
Jin-Chern Chiou
关键字: 卫星;姿态控制;顺滑模态控制;Spacecraft;Attitude Tracking;Sliding-Mode Control
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 本论文之重点在于针对实际的卫星姿态控制导航系统,设计出实用的快速卫星姿态旋转控制器。论文包含了卫星动态方程式的推导,及按照卫星指向角度大小不同的情况来建立控制法则。小角度误差控制器是采用最佳时间需求下之比例微分控制法则,其控制导航为中华卫星二号系统所采用。大角度控制则以顺滑模态控制的设计方法,来解决欲追踪具有最大转矩限制之卫星最短路径旋转的目标轨迹。卫星以最大转矩循最短路径旋转的好处是提供了最小时间的旋转。顺滑模态控制具有稳健控制的特性,可消除系统不确定性因素的影响,并且考虑了实务工程中最大转矩的限制。接着提出以平滑模型顺滑模态控制来改善顺滑模态控制不理想的暂态响应。两种已提出之大角度控制方法:最短路径之四元素法回授控制和近似最小时间旋转之回授控制的控制性能,被用来证明本论文所提出的快速卫星姿态旋转之平滑模型顺滑模态控制的优越性。
The thesis described the study of the practical spacecraft attitude guidance maneuvers to design useful rapid spacecraft attitude controller. We will derive the dynamic equation of the satellite and build its control law according to the different direction angles in this thesis. A PD control law will be used as a small-angle error controller which use optimized maneuvers. The guidance be used on ROCSAT-2. A sliding-mode control (SMC) design technique is proposed for tracking the desired trajectories that are based on spacecraft eigenaxis rotation with maximum torques. The major advantage of eigenaxis rotation with maximum torques is that it provides the minimum-time maneuver. Meanwhile, the SMC controller provides the robust control for removing the effects of model uncertainty. Practical control constraint on wheel torque is also taken into account in the determination of the maximum torques. To improve the undesirable transient response before reaching the sliding manifold, the smooth model sliding-mode control is developed. Two previous developed control schemes, quaternion feedback regulator for spacecraft eigenaxis rotation and near-minimum-time eigenaxis rotation maneuvers with rate-tracking feedback, were adapted to show the superiority of the proposed design method.