標題: 軟體發展組織再造與軟體發展程序之配合-以凌群電腦為個案研究對象
Re-engineering Software Development Organization and Development Process of Computer Professional Service Company - A Case Study of SYSCOM Computer Engineering Inc.
作者: 黃種智
Chung-chih Huang
Dr. Chyan-Goei Chung
Dr. Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 組織再造;軟體發展程序;瑞理模式;軟體發展組織;Re-engineering;Software development Process;Rational Unified Development Process;UDP;Software Development Organization
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 軟體發展組織再造與軟體發展程序之配合-以凌群電腦為個案研究對象 研究生:黃種智 指導教授:鍾乾癸 博士 楊 千 博士 國立交通大學高階主管管理學程碩士班 摘要 對專業軟體服務業者而言,人員管理、人力資源的分配以及軟體開發為主要管理重點;當產業環境改變而導致專業軟體服務業者發生軟體生產力不足現象,進行軟體發展程序的調整以及軟體發展組織的組織再造工程是可行的解決方法。由於軟體發展程序以及軟體發展組織之調整,屬於各公司之營業機密,不易取得,故本研究採取個案研究法,選擇凌群公司為個案研究對象。 軟體發展程序與軟體發展組織再造,需由高階主管負責主導,方能成功。個案公司在改造過程中,由副總經理、各軟體部門主管、人力資源主管以及外界顧問組成軟體發展程序調整工作小組與組織再造小組,分別進行軟體發展程序的評估選用和軟體發展組織的設計工作。 在軟體發展程序的調整方面,凌群公司首先針對軟體發展程序進行比較,以採用物件導向技術、軟體文件以UML表示、支援元件再利用技術、軟體工具支援能力等四項因素作為主要指標,選擇瑞理模式作為新軟體發展程序的依據,進而制訂相關程序、作業準則及文件標準,並開發建立Project Online系統來管制專案的執行。 根據軟體發展程序的評估結果,組織再造小組則以提升產業知識吸收能力、新軟體技術引進能力、與軟體發展程序與技術的配合能力,以及軟體技術與軟體發展經驗的分享能力為主要指標,採取垂直分工組織作為新的組織結構,並將軟體發展團隊分成專案管理部、系統設計部、軟體開發部以及技術整合部等四個部門。 軟體發展程序的調整以及軟體發展組織的組織再造工程,影響重大,故凌群公司係由副總經理與相關部門主管組成各工作小組,並以先導小組方式在新的軟體發展程序下進行「試作」的作業,視其結果進行改善,推行於全體軟體發展團隊。 在進行軟體發展程序的調整以及軟體發展組織再造工作後,凌群公司得到了提高開發經驗傳承性、提高系統架構的規劃部署能力、提高元件再利用能力、加快新技術導入能力以及擴大人員調度彈性等五項效益;同時亦面對調整效果不易衡量、人員抗拒變革的天性、專案運作模式未臻成熟、學習成本效應以及雙軌制的轉換過程等五項困難,需採取適當因應措施。
Re-engineering Software Development Organization and Development Process of Computer Professional Service Company- A case study of SYSCOM Computer Engineering Inc. Student:Chung-Chih Huang Advisor:Dr. Chyan-Goei Chung Dr. Chyan Yuan Executive Master of Business Administration National Chiao Tung University Abstract In recent years, how to increase software productivity to meet rapid changing customer demands is the major concerns to all software companies. Quality of engineers , resource allocation, and software development are the three most important management issues to Computer Professional Service Companies (CPSC). Re-engineering software development process and development organization is a necessary step to improve productivity for CPSC. The main purpose of this research is to use case study approach to explore the detail of re-engineering process. SYSCOM Computer Engineering Co. (SYSCOM) is the research target of this case study. The re-engineering task group of SYSCOM includes all members of R&D group, the director of Human Resource Management group, and outside consultants, and is leaded by senior vice president. The first thing is to select a software development process. Four requirements, object-oriented development process, UML documentation standard, support of component-reuse technique, and availability of development tools, are used to evaluate the existed processes, and Rational Unified Software Development Process (RUP) is adapted. Based on RUP, development process and guidelines, documentation standard, and software Quality Assurance Process are defined. The Project Online system, which can track the detail status of each project, is developed to monitor the detail of process. To enhance the allocation and utilization of human resource, the software development group is reengineered for domain-oriented structure into function-oriented structure. The new organization includes the following four divisions – Project Management Division, System Analysis and Integration Division, System Design Division and Programming Division. Now, the SYSCOM is just adapted the new development process to the new projects. Although the productivity measurement is not started, SYSCOM has got the following qualitative benefit reuse of software design experience, speeding up the adoption of new software technique, and flexible human resource allocation. However, SYSCOM also face the following problems: resistance of working process changing long learning cycle, and extra overhead in transition period.