標題: 半導體產業承攬商安全管理程序建構之研究
A Study for Establishing Contractor Safety Management Procedure
作者: 牟科俊
Ko-Chun Mou
Han-Lin Li
Wu-Shung Fu
關鍵字: 承攬商安全管理組織;承攬商安全管理程序;半導體工廠系統化;職業災害;established and optimal contractor safety management system and organization;Semiconductor industry
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 國立交通大學管理學院(高階主管管理學程)碩士班
Department of Master Program of Management for Executives
National Chiao Tung University
Semiconductor industry has the natural properties of intensified concentrated capital as well as technology. In the process of wafer manufacturing hundreds of different chemicals are applied. Among those chemicals, several of them are highly hazardous materials. On the other hand, during different stages of plant operation, it is inevitable that many works unrelated to semiconductor profession , such as construction, piping, machinery maintenance, etc., have to contact to each individual professional contractors to achieve optimal plant operation. However, under the current status of improper contractor system as well as incompetent contract works, in case of any incident, not only human injury and death but also serious property damage will result in. In addition, it is also difficult to identify the responsibilities between plant owner, contractors, and sub-contractors. This will lead to unnecessary confusion and troubles to the plant owner. It has been verified from the statistical data of incidents for the past history and also from the analysis results of internal safety inspections that the contractor safety management system inside semiconductor industry is incomplete and insufficient.
Based on various related occupational safety and health laws and regulations of Republic of China , along with the publications on contractor safety management, the research investigated the root-causes of contractor operational incidents, benchmarked the contractor management system in various semiconductor companies, applied the modern safety management concept, and analyzed the deficiencies of current contractor safety management system. Moreover, by the process of identifying contract operation hazardous factors, safety operation assessment and related safety procedures, the hazardous factors were identified. Consequently, the counter measures such as proper personal protection equipment, contract operation controls were applied. In addition, the risk control strategy were established and optimal contractor safety management system and organization were achieved. By the operation of contractor co-operation organization and committee, contractor safety performance was evaluated in order to select competent contractors for various works. Before every contractor can begin their works, necessary hazard information were provided to the contractors such that every contractor realized each individual working environment and proper personal protective equipment. For high hazardous operations, such as hot work operation, hoist and crane operation, high elevation operation, confined space operation, etc., the proper control means had to be taken before, during and after each and every operation. In addition, the inspection and auditing during the operation were compulsory. For those contractors who violated safety health and environmental protection regulation, penalty records and fines were issued. Implementations for those deficiencies were requested to execute immediately. In case of immediate danger was about to occur or seriously violation of safety health and environmental protection laws was found, the contract operation would be stopped, and the contractor would be driven out of site such that the occupational incidents could be prevented.
It is hoped that this research can establish optimal contractor safety management procedure to assist semiconductor industry systematically execution of contractor safety management. In addition, the occupational incidents resulted from contractors can be avoided. The quality of contractor operation will be improved. Also the contractor environment for the whole country will be rebuilt. It is hoped , through this research, the optimal goal of full beneficial to government authorities, semiconductor owners, and contractors can be achieved.