標題: 策略性採購:策略計劃、執行與合作伙伴的選擇
Strategic Sourcing: Strategic Planning, Implementing and Partner Selection
作者: 曾益昇
Yi-Sheng Tseng
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 策略性採購;資源管理;策略競爭;合作伙伴關係;resources management;strategy competition;strategic purchasing strategy;Purchasing cost management;Innovation
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 摘要       以資源管理和策略競爭的觀點來看,採購一直佔著任何公司的極大支出比例,如何使企業經營更具競爭優勢,除了需有企業競爭發展策略外,採購更需賦以策略,因勢推移;本論文探討策略性採購中合作伙伴成功的因素和創新的啟發,以及採購成本的管理和價值觀念;並據此做為策略性探購計劃、執行和發展合作伙伴關係的參考,且期望此策略性採購能提供企業經營的綜效目的─共同承擔風險,最佳的取得總成本、最佳價值、創新等。
ABSTRACT From resources management and strategy competition point of view, purchasing operation has played an important role on corporate expenses, as well as the importance of strategy. It is an essential that corporate main strategy should be come with strategic purchasing strategy in which is able to reinforce corporate competitive edge. Based on the study of “The success factors of partnership”, “Purchasing cost management”, “The concept of cost and value” and “Innovation”, a procedure is developed for Purchasing Strategy Planning, Implementing and Partner, Implementing and Partner Selection. We expect it will pave the way to the effective synergy of corporate operation - Share Risk, Total Cost of Acquisition, Value and Innovation.