标题: 建构台湾银行业的知识管理:以强化新兴高科技公司授信为例
Constructing Bank’s Knowledge Management: The Case of Bank Loan to High-Tech Start-Up Firms
作者: 吴兆庆
Chao-Ching Wu
Dr. Chih-Young Hung
关键字: 高科技产业;银行业;授信;知识管理;焦点群体;层级分析法;High-tech Industry;Banking;Loan;Knowledge Management;Focus Group;AHP
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 我国的产业结构在近年有重大的转变,许多传统产业成长停滞或是陷入经营的困境,连带地使本国银行业者对这些昔日授信的大宗对象产生疑虑,而逐渐降低对传统产业的授信。但银行业本身仍然必需面临成长的挑战,因此有愈来愈多的银行将焦点投注在高科技产业的授信市场,并视之为未来营运成长的重点所在。但高科技产业技术变动快速、投资金额大而回收期长的产业特性,使得过去银行普遍认为这是一个高风险的授信市场,而持较保留的态度,虽然现在银行因为竞争而勇于进入高科技产业授信市场,但这个产业风险高的特性其实依然存在,我国银行业在进军这个市场之前,其实有许多地方仍有待加强。
因此本论文用知识管理的角度来对这个课题加以研究,并以焦点群体(Focus group)及层级分析法(AHP)为主要研究方法,探讨台湾银行业在进军高科技产业授信市场时,会面临到的几个问题,包括评估方式的改变、组识设计调整、授信知识的分类与储存方式及授信人员对于知识分享的态度等。本研究发现包括高科技公司的授信评估模式与传统授信有所不同、区域中心AO制的分行设计最适合高科技授信所需及主要影响授信人员分享知识的正负面因素等成果,提供给银行业做参考,以提高银行授信的应变速度及组织知识交流的质量,才能配合得上高科技产业的快速脉动,除了降低授信的风险,并提供高品质的金融服务。
The industry structure in Taiwan has changed dramatically in recent years. Many traditional industries are struggling to maintain their growths and even their sales. This industry structure change has forced the banks in Taiwan to re-exam the credibility of the traditional industries and sometimes also to reduce the loans to those industries. In order to keep their sustained growth after reducing the loans to their past major customers, many banks began to move their focus from the traditional industries to the Hi-tech industry and spend lots of efforts to attract new customers from that industry. The Hi-tech industry used to be seen as a high-risk loan market due to their industry characters: faster technology innovation, heavier weight of capital spending and longer time before the companies begin to make profits. Because of these characters, the banking industry believed that the Hi-tech industry was a high-risk loan market, and hence were reluctant to make loans to the Hi-tech industry. Although the banks are now eager to enter the Hi-tech market due to the intensive competition in the banking industry, the fact that Hi-tech is a high-risk loan market still exists. Many problems and issues need to be carefully discussed before the banking industry enters the Hi-tech loan market.
This article uses the concept of “knowledge management” to discuss the concern stated above. The two major methods that applied in this article are “Focus Group” and “AHP”. I discuss some problems and issues that might emerge when Taiwan’s banking industry enters the High-tech industry loan market. These problems and issues include: the change on the way to evaluate the customers, the issue of organization redesign, the improvement on the way to sort and store the knowledge, and the employers’ attitudes toward sharing their knowledge to the colleagues. I hope the study of these problems and issues will give the banking industry in Taiwan some suggestions on how to raise the response speed on bad bank loans, and how to improve the quality of knowledge sharing both inside the organization and among organizations. By doing so, the banking industry can catch up the high-speed change in the demand in the High-tech industry, and hence achieve the banking industry’s main goals: first, to reduce the risk of bank loans, and, second, to give a better quality of finance services to the customers.