DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorSheng-Jenq Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Shang-Jyh Liuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究係以交易成本、競合理論及組織資源觀點來分析探討,提出技術創業公司之組織經營與創新模式。 本研究首先整理現有競合理論、交易成本理論及組織資源的相關文獻,進行分析及探討其和技術創業公司之組織經營與創新之關係,同時運用環境、組織、競合策略之分析模式,並以組織資源與e化的關係為例,來描述如何運用組織資源:人才、情報、技術、資金,同時使用交易成本及競合理論的觀點與予分析。 針對技術創業過程本研究建立了一分析及組織經營與創新模式,利用此分析模式推導創業初期可能形成的五種技術創業型態:本業轉投資、異業轉投資、專業創業、獨立創業及概念創業,同時將此五種技術創業型態的組織特性,依人才、情報、技術、資金四項要素進行細部分析,得到各種不同技術創業型態所面臨的交易成本問題,同時以不同的交易成本解決機制,來解決不同型態組織中的交易成本問題,結合了競合理論及組織資源的運作,提出了組織經營與創新模式。 為強化理論的實用性,本研究引用了數個案例,個別或結合上述的理論來驗証這些案例中的組織經營與創新策略。組織資源的運用對於一組織資源缺乏的技術術創業公司之組織經營是非常重要的,本研究結合了理論與實務來詮釋組織資源的運用與組織經營,這將另實務業界人士非常容易的了解及如何運用組織資源、交易成本及競合理論於組織經營上。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe organizational management and innovation of high-tech venture are addressed in this paper with aspects on its transaction cost and co-opetition theories. This study initially reviewed all related references on co-opetition theory, transaction cost theory, and organizational resources in order to evaluate and probe their influence and effect to the organizational management and innovation of high-tech ventures. Then the study extends to evaluate the impact of the organizational resources with e-commerce, and on how to apply such resources in human resource, information, technology and capital. The later study will again be evaluated with the aspects of transaction cost and co-opetition theories. In regards to hi-tech venture start-up processes, this study has established five modes of organizational management and innovation, which are commonly encountered during the early stage of start-up. These modes are diversified investment mode, the unrelated diversified investment mode, the specialized entrepreneurial mode, the independent entrepreneurial mode, and the conceptual entrepreneurial mode. The characteristics of these five modes are analyzed in a more detailed way utilizing the four key elements of human resource, information, technology, and capital. This has resulted in varying problems on transaction cost that the hi-tech start-up has to face. A different approach of solving mechanism is used to resolve the transaction cost problems under each mode. At the same time, a model organizational management and innovation is introduced by, combining the functions of competition theory and organization resource. In order to reinforce the viability of the theories, a number of case studies are cited in this analysis. Tactics of organizational management and innovation are examined in these case studies either through individual or combined theories. The organization resource is very important in the organizational management for a hi-tech start-up when confronted with resource shortages. With all theories and feasibility combined, this study explains and discusses the organization resource and organizational management operation. The paper is easy to understand and expected to help executives in their day to day management where organization resources, transaction cost and co-opetition are involved .en_US
dc.subjectTransaction Costen_US
dc.subjectOrganizational Managementen_US
dc.subjectHigh-tech Start-upsen_US
dc.titleOrganizational Management and Innovation of High-tech Start-ups: Aspects of Transaction Cost and Co-opetition Theoriesen_US