Title: 以話務為基礎對市話信號轉送端點之評估與分析
Traffic-Based Evaluation and Analysis of the STEP--Using Hsinchu Area As An Example
Authors: 鄭釧佑
Cheng-Yew Jeny
Dr.Chi-Chun Lo
Keywords: 中繼網路;彙接局;服務品質;操作率;忙時話務;trunking network;tandem switch;quality of service;operation rate;busy hour traffic
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 以話務為基礎對市話信號轉送端點之評估與分析
學生:鄭釧佑 指導教授:羅濟群
市內電話系統話務(Traffic)設計的工作,在於使電信網路的中繼(Trunks)電路設備,在最經濟的情況下,提供最佳的服務。而藉由話務(Traffic)的分析以及評估網路的負荷,便可以了解目前交換網路的服務情形,並依據查測評估的結果來調整網路之服務品質(Quality of Service QoS),以使網路的效能達到最佳化。因此交換網路的分析與評估,就成為話務設計與網路規劃的先前要務。也是經營電信網路,提升服務品質的首要任務。
在市話交換網路中,市話信號轉送端點(Signal Transfer End Point STEP)是市話訊號與話務彙集的樞紐,擔任整個市話通信訊息的彙轉工作。其話務流量相對地比一般市話端局(End Office EO)還要高出許多。無論是傳統的電話系統(Plain old Telephone Sysytem POTS) 、網際網路或POI(Point of Interconnection) …等介接的話務,都是STEP繁重的工作。而有鑒於其地位之重要性,對於STEP局的話務做評估分析是必要的。
首先;本研究將對市話STEP局之直達路由(Direct Route)、高效路由(High Usage Route)及終接路由(Final Route)的話務做負荷評估與分析,在兼顧營運成本與服務品質的原則下,找出符合目前市話交換網路(Local Switching Network)的評估模式與最佳參數,使能真實地評估網路的負荷,並做為調整市話交換網路品質的依據。
Traffic-Based Evaluation and Analysis of the STEP--Using Hsinchu Area As An Example
Student:Cheng-Yew Jeny Advisor:Dr.Chi-Chun Lo
Institute of Information Management
National Chiao Tung University
The purpose to optimize traffic measurement for the local telephone network system is to make the telecommunication network’s trunks provide the best service in the most economic situation. By the traffic analysis and network loading assessment, we can observe the situation of quality of the switching network’s service. However, according to the result of the assessment to adjust the network’s QoS(Quality of Service), and to make the network performance into optimal. Hence the effort of evaluation and analysis of traffic measurement for telecommunication network is the most important thing regarding to network planning, and it also is the first duty on operating telecommunication network.
In a local switching network, the STEP(Signal Transfer End Point) is a key position to converge the local signaling and traffic. STEP is to serve as the task of local message’s transfer. Hence, the loading of it is more than the EO (End Office). Regardless of the POTS (Plain Old Telephone System), Internet, POI (Point of Interface)…etc, The STEP inter-connection traffic is a heavy loading. For such an important situation, it is necessary to evaluate and analyze the capacity of the local STEP traffic.
First, this study is to analyze and evaluate the traffic of Direct Route, High usage Route, and Final Route of the local STEP. Under the administration cost and QoS, to find the present local switching network’s loading assessment model and optimal parameter in order to be able assess the network loading and to adjust quality of the switching network’s service.
Secondarily, regarding to the issue of the 104/105 directory service, we can collect and assess the records of the calls in busy hour, under a certain operation rate, and to figure out what the optimal service model is. Finally, according to the result of assessment as a reference to arrange the resource including the task and labor. We hope to provide best service quality for all customers under the expectation of the high QoS.
Appears in Collections:Thesis