標題: 坡地破壞潛能分析模式之建立與探討
Examination and Development of Hillslope Failure Potential Model
作者: 邱彬晟
Bin-Sheng Chiu
Jin-Chuang Yang
Tung-Lin Tsai
關鍵字: 坡地破壞潛能;摩爾-庫倫破壞準則;多孔彈性介質理論;網格生成法;hillslope failure potential;Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria;poroelastic media theory;grid generation
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 坡地破壞潛能分析模式之建立與探討 學生:邱彬晟 指導教授:楊錦釧 蔡東霖 國立交通大學土木工程研究所 摘要 本研究根據多孔彈性介質理論以及摩爾-庫倫(Mohr-Coulomb)破壞準則,並利用網格生成法及有限差分法建立坡地破壞潛能分析模式,來探討連續對稱無限延展天然坡地之破壞趨勢。研究中,首先藉由具有解析解之簡單案例驗證模式之正確性。模式驗證後,分別探討有無載重及積水滲流作用下,波松比、孔隙率及坡地坡度等因素對破壞潛能之影響。結果顯示,波松比與坡地坡度對破壞潛能有明顯之影響,然而,孔隙率影響甚微,此外,有無載重與積水滲流作用,對破壞潛能之影響甚大,由此可研判載重及積水滲流為影響坡地破壞潛能不可忽略之重要因素。 關鍵詞:坡地破壞潛能、摩爾-庫倫破壞準則、多孔彈性介質理論、網格生成法
Abstract Based on poroeslastic media theory and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria, a finite difference hillslope failure potential model adopting grid generation has been developed to study the tendency for hillslope failure in infinitely extensive landscape with periodic topography. In this study, the proposed model is applied to a hypothetical case and verified by analytic solutions. The effects of Poisson’s ratio, porosity and hillslope on failure potential under the considerations of overburden and seepage flow have been examined. The results show that the failure potential is strongly related to the Poisson’s ratio and the hillslope. On the contrary, the porosity has rather low effect on the failure potential. In addition, from the analysis one can find that the overburden and the seepage flow greatly influence the failure potential. Key Words:hillslope failure potential、Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria、poroelastic media theory、grid generation。