標題: 行動導航系統路徑簡圖顯示之研究
A Design of Simplified Route Map Display
作者: 林詠傑
Yung-Chieh Lin
Chuan-Fang Wang
Tai-Sheng Huang
關鍵字: 行動導航;衛星定位;PDA;簡圖展現;Mobile navigation;GPS;PDA;Simplified route
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 車用導航系統發展多時,目前此類商品漸漸被大眾所接受,但最主要仍受限於設備裝置,如電子地圖更新不易、無法考慮到實際路況(如塞車、道路封閉)等,因此在使用上仍有些不便。本文利用伺服器端與客戶端之架構,規劃將電子地圖、路徑導航計算等工作集中於伺服器端處理,並透過無線傳輸科技將產生的簡圖資訊傳送至客戶端,並將簡圖資訊以圖形化、文字化呈現於駕駛人,讓駕駛人易於判讀與理解。 本文首先針對無線通訊機制、行動設備、定位系統與GIS系統加以探討,選擇以CDMA為通訊技術、選用GPS系統定位,並利用WinCE為行動設備之作業系統,以Microsoft eMbedded Visual Basic 3.0開發客戶端簡圖展圖程式,達成「圖隨路轉」、「轉向提示」、「地圖縮放」等功能。 研究成果經實際路徑驗證上述功能均能符合預期,在資訊量接收時每個點平均為58.2Bytes,以一次展現五個路口之路段而言,客戶端仍有相當充裕的容量提供其他相關資訊展現使用。
Vehicle navigation system has been developed for a long time and becomes more popular. However, the system is still restricted by the equipment function, e.g. difficult for updating electronic map, unable to consider the real time situation on roads. Therefore, it is inconvenient in using the system. Using a Server-Client framework to store electronic map and select the guided route at the server side and to sent the related data of the guided route to the client side through the wireless technology, this study wants to build a simplified route display system so that drivers can read the map easily. The study reviewed the wireless-communication, mobile equipments, positioning system, and GIS system, then chooses CDMA for wireless-communication, GPS for positioning technology, and Microsoft eMbedded Visual Basic 3.0 to design the PDA software, which contains the functions of “Map direction synchronized with the moving direction”, “Turning warning”, “Zoom in / out”, and et cetera. The result of this study has been proved using Taipei’s data and it conforms to what we expected. When displaying a route section on the screen with 5 nodes, each node needs a space of 58.2 Bytes on the PDA, there are plenty of memory spaces for other related information.