Title: 生活圈道路系統建設計畫補助評選模式之研究
Funding-Evaluation Model of Road System in Living Perimeters
Authors: 林承政
Cheng-Cheng Lin
Cheng-Min Feng
Keywords: 補助;灰關聯分析;模糊積分;funding;gray relation analysis;fuzzy integral
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 道路建設為促進生活圈發展的重要基礎建設,過去對於補助道路建設,是以各生活圈之財政能力為主要考量,並未考慮到各生活圈之間的差異,因而造成區域發展的不均。因此,本研究嘗試建立一有別於過去之補助程序,並藉此構建一公平、合理的補助評選模式。
Road system is an important infrastructure in the development of living perimeter. In the past, the government funded road projects based on the financial capability. It didn’t consider the difference among living perimeters so that area developments were unbalanced. This study tries to find a new funding procedure and develops a fair funding-evaluation model.
The funding-evaluation model includes fund allocation and project selection. For fund allocation, this research applies gray relation analysis to select seven representative indicators from twelve initial indicators and uses Compromise Weighting method which combines AHP with entropy to show their importance. The results of case study indicate that an unfair phenomenon in the past has been improved.
For project selection, this research establishes evaluation framework which includes three objectives and nine evaluation criteria to select road projects. Furthermore, we compare SAW method in practice with Fuzzy Integral method which is free of additive and independent assumptions. Theoretically, Fuzzy Integral method will be more appropriate. However, It is found from the case study that the results of two methods is similar. It shows that there exits less interactions among nine evaluation criteria.
Appears in Collections:Thesis