DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChia-Sheng Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorLawrence W. Lanen_US
dc.description.abstract公路客運首重服務,倘若駕駛人忽視路況,恣意超速、超車,極易造成車內旅客不舒適感,甚或肇事。駕駛人的不當操作行為也會導致車輛異常磨耗,影響機件的使用壽命,增加營運者成本。若是車輛常因機件故障而進廠維修,不僅增加維修費用,亦會影響排班調度,無形中削減了競爭能力。可見如何有效控管駕駛人之不當操作行為,實為客運業者最重要課題之一。 本研究以A國道客運公司37輛裝置數位式行車紀錄器之大客車,以及駕駛此37輛大客車之76名駕駛人為觀測對象,觀測期間自90年11月16日起至91年4月30日止。透過數位式行車紀錄器記錄每名駕駛人及每輛車之全程狀況,再與四大類十一項指標之合理門檻值比較,藉以研判不當操作行為次數,同時期亦蒐集每輛車之行車及保修費用資料,以構建聯立迴歸模式來說明各項不當操作行為次數對行車及保修費用之因果關係。此外,進一步以76名駕駛人之不當操作次數統計資料,利用群落分析進行分群評等,再應用行車及保修迴歸模式,分析各類不當操作行為對額外行車及保修費用增加之貢獻程度,作為不同群體駕駛人獎懲額度之估算基準。 模式校估結果顯示,影響行車及保修費用的不當操作行為之顯著性指標共有異常轉速、車速不穩、急加減速及違規超速等四項,每項指標的係數值代表發生一次不當操作行為所需額外支出的行車及保修費用。群落分析將所觀測之76名駕駛人依不當操作次數分為優、尚佳、普通、稍差及差五等第,並求出各等第之指標標準值,用以界定駕駛人駛車行為之優劣,作為考核駕駛人之依據。另外,以普通群指標標準值為基準,比較駕駛人各項不當操作行為指標之差異,應用迴歸係數值計算應賞罰之金額。最後以本研究所觀測之樣本推估A客運公司一年度因駕駛人操作異常,造成公司需額外付出1,800萬元的行車及保修費用。如經由教育訓練,將差及稍差等級之駕駛群組提升為普通級,推估A客運公司一年度將可降低行車及保修費用額外支出約118萬元。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Influence of Improper Driving Behaviors on Highway Bus Operation and Maintenance Costs Student:Jason Chia-Sheng Lin Advisor:Lawrence W. Lan Institute of Traffic and Transportation National Chiao Tung University Abstract The service quality of highway bus depends heavily on driver’s behaviors. Improper driving behaviors not only downgrade the comfort of passengers, but also deteriorate the vehicle worn-outs, which can easily cause the service fleet broken-down. As a consequence, the bus service quality would become lower, the operation and maintenance costs would become higher, and the firm’s competition power would be declined. Therefore, effective and efficient monitor and control of improper driving behaviors is an important issue to any bus operator. The main objective of this study is to identify the indexes for measuring the improper driving behaviors and to investigate which of them are significantly influencing the bus operation and maintenance costs. The operation and maintenance costs for each bus are collected from November 16, 2001 to April 30, 2002; in the mean time, the improper driving behaviors are automatically traced with 37 digital-recorder-equipped buses and 76 drivers. Eleven indexes are identified to represent improper driving behaviors, which are used to explain the operation and maintenance costs. Simultaneous-equation regression models are estimated by 3SLS and GLS methods. Cluster analysis is further conducted to allocate each driver into appropriate category level. The regression analysis has shown that four improper driving indexes--abnormal engine rotation, speed gradient, severe jerk, and over speeding are significantly influencing the bus operating and maintenance costs. The cluster analysis has classified the 76 drivers into 5 category levels: very good, good, fair, bad and very bad. Using the regression coefficients and the mean (norm) index values at the fair category level, the amount of award and punishment for each driver can then be calculated. It is estimated that the extra cost resulted from improper driving for the bus company under study can reach as high as 18 million NT dollars per year. The extra cost would be cut at an amount of 1.18 million NT dollars per year, provided that the bad and very bad drivers are corrected to the fair category level. Key words: simultaneous-equation regression models, cluster analysis, digital vehicle recorders, highway bus transport, operation cost, maintenance cost.en_US
dc.titleThe Influence of Improper Driving Behaviors on Highway Bus Operation and Maintenance Costsen_US