標題: Photobleaching of the "Raman Spectroscopic Signature of Life" and Mitochondrial Activity in Rho(-) Budding Yeast Cells
作者: Onogi, Chikao
Hamaguchi, Hiro-O
Department of Applied Chemistry
Institute of Molecular science
公開日期: 6-八月-2009
摘要: Raman spectra of mitochondria in single living budding yeast (zygote of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus) cells have been measured and compared for two types of tetraploid strains, the wild-type strain and the rho(-) strain. The "Raman spectroscopic signature of life", a strong Raman band at 1602 cm(-1) that sharply reflects the mitochondrial activity, has been found in both of the two strains with similar intensities. This signature showed photobleaching under irradiation of the 632.8 nm line of a He-Ne laser, only for the rho(-) strain. The photobleaching recovered by keeping the cell in the dark for two hours without laser irradiation. These findings indicate that the molecular species that gives rise to the 1602 cm(-1) band is an intermediate formed and accumulated during the metabolic cycle and that it absorbs at 632.8 nm to undergo photodecomposition. We also found a number of weak Raman bands in the 400-1200 cm(-1) region that show the same temporal behaviors as that of the 1602 cm(-1) band by an SVD analysis of time-resolved Raman spectra, Several new pieces of information oil the origin of the "Raman spectroscopic signature of life" have thus been obtained.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp903478r
ISSN: 1520-6106
DOI: 10.1021/jp903478r
Volume: 113
Issue: 31
起始頁: 10942
結束頁: 10945


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