標題: 聚胺基甲酸酯/矽酸鹽層奈米複合材料發泡體之製備與分析
Synthesis and Characterization of Polyurethane/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites Foam
作者: 沈妙玲
Miao-Ling Shen
Kung-Hwa Wei
關鍵字: 聚胺基甲酸酯;發泡體;奈米複合材料;黏土;Polyurethane;foam;Nanocomposites;clay
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本論文將蒙特納石的矽酸鹽層以奈米尺寸分散在聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體中並分析其性質。以1,12-Diaminododecane為膨潤劑改質蒙特納石得到2NH2-Mont後,添加硬鏈段含量為50%的PU中,製備成有機蒙特納石/聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體奈米複合材料,並以XRD鑑定是否為奈米複合材料。
由掃描式電子顯微鏡及密度分析結果得知,不同組成之有機蒙特納石/聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體奈米複合材料中,泡孔形態、尺寸大小及密度值皆與純聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體相同。在耐熱性質方面,因層狀矽酸鹽加入而提升,以3.0 wt% 2NH2-Mont之有機蒙特納石/聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體奈米複合材料其熱裂解溫度提昇了20℃;熱性質部分,由微差掃描式分析儀(DSC)分析,各組成之軟鏈段相玻璃轉移溫度Tg(soft)並無明顯變化。
由表面硬度及機械性質得知,因奈米級矽酸鹽層可補強PU foam不足,以3.0 wt% 2NH2-Mont之有機蒙特納石/聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體奈米複合材料其表面硬度提高23%及彈性模數提升53%;關於耐磨耗性之研究則發現,藉由3.0 wt%之2NH2-Mont加入使材料硬度提升、磨耗損失率可提高99%,除此之外,亦以SEM觀察磨耗表面形態,添加有機蒙特納石其表面形態皆比純PU foam較為光滑。
最後吸水性分析,因添加有機蒙特納石,分佈於PU foam基材中矽酸鹽層阻隔水分效應大於本身之吸水性,而使整體的有機蒙特納石/聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體奈米複合材料的吸水性降低,尤以3.0 wt%組成可降低33% (3.9% vs. 2.6%)。
Organo-montmorillonite/Polyurethane foam nanocomposites have been synthesized, and the thermal and mechanical properties of these nanocomposites were investigated. The Mont was modified by 1,12-Diaminododecane (2NH2) through ion exchange and abbreviated to 2NH2-Mont. Organclay (2NH2-Mont) was dispersed in the polyurethane foam contaning 50 wt% hard segment . The dispersion of layered silicates in polyurethane foam was characterized by X-ray diffraction.
It was found that the foaming morphology of 2NH2-Mont/PU foam nanocomposites was close cell, same as that of pure PU foam. The thermal degradation temperature, at 5% weight loss of 3.0 wt% 2NH2-Mont/PU foam nanocomposites was 20℃ higher than that of pure PU foam.
Moreover, the weight loss of 3.0 wt% 2NH2-Mont / PU foam nanocomposites was much smaller than that of pure PU foam in sbrasion test (0.01g vs. 2.29g) and the sbrasion surface of PU foam nanocomposites was smoother than that of pure PU foam. The surface hardness displayed the ultimate PU foam nanocomposites containing 3.0 wt % 2NH2-Mont.
Finally, when the 3.0 wt% 2NH2-Mont / PU foam nanocomposites exhibited lower water absorption properties as compared to that of pure PU foam (3.9% vs. 2.6%).