標題: 有機共軛高分子之場效電晶體的研製及特性量測
The Fabrication and Characterization of Field-Effect Transistor Based on Electroluminescent Conjugated Polymers on Glass
作者: 曾國隆
Tzeng Kuo-Lung
Hsin-Fei Meng
Sheng-Fu Horng
關鍵字: 共軛高分子;場效電晶體;conjugated polymer;field-effect transistor
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 近幾年來,已有許多的實驗室及業界投入有機高分子半導體的研發,就製程上而言,它可以旋轉塗佈的方式來製作,且較廉價;本論文主要的目的是以有機共軛高分子(MEH-PPV)來製作場效電晶體並瞭解其特性。首先,我們以電子束微影系統來製作水平電極,也發現如此的元件其電流密度也比一般的三明治結構高出兩個等級;再進一步將前述的水平電極作為汲極及源極,我們製作出高分子電晶體。整體來說,要製作一個好的電晶體,閘極-絕緣層的要求是很關鍵的一部份,就這一點我們根據文獻以polyimide為絕緣層,其modulation為5倍。
Conjugated polymers like PPV derivatives are semiconductors. In addition, they have the advantages of solution processibility and are relatively cheap to manufacture. Therefore, conjugated polymers have been popular materials widely studied by researchers in recent years. The purpose of this thesis is to fabricate the organic field effect transistor with easy processing and understand the electrical characteristics of MOS FET based on MEH-PPV, [poly(2-methoxy-5-(2’-ethylhexyloxy)- 1,4-pheny -lene-vinylene)]. By using electron beam lithography system, we fabricated the horizontal electrode on glass successfully. High current density (due to high mobility) was observed in horizontal device structure. Using horizontal structure electrodes as the source and drain, we went on to make a transistor. In our experiment, gate-insulator is critical for the performance of FET. We have demonstrated a PFET with a polyimde layer as a gate-insulator. The modulation is around 5.