標題: 氫分子熱脫附高解析實空間影像取得與分析
Atomic-Scale Imaging and Analysis of H2 Thermal Desorption from Ge/Si(100) Surfaces
作者: 邱吉峰
Chi-Fong Chiu
關鍵字: 氫分子;熱脫附
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本文主要研究Si(100)-2´1:H和Ge/Si(100)-2´1:H表面上的熱脫附物理現象。首先我們在Si(100)-2´1表面上利用Atomic Layer Epitaxy( ALE )分別成長0.4、0.8 單原子層的Ge原子,再以H原子完全覆蓋其表面,然後利用掃描穿隧顯微術( Scanning Tunneling Microscopy:STM )來拍攝H2分子在不同溫度下熱脫附後的表面實空間,原子解析度影像。實驗結果顯示,當樣品被加熱至約550 K以上的溫度時,Ge/Si(100)-2´1:H樣品表面上的氫原子,會結合成氫分子( H2 )的形式,由樣品表面上被熱聲子激發而脫附。在Si(100)-2´1:H表面上,樣品須加熱到約705 K以上,樣品表面上H2才開始脫附,其速率會與溫度的對數函數成正比﹔在0.4-ML-Ge/Si(100):H樣品上,樣品溫度在655 ~ 705 K區間時,樣品表面上H的脫附量約固定在0.27 ML,並沒有很大的改變﹔而在0.8-ML-Ge/Si(100):H樣品上,當樣品溫度在620 ~ 705 K區間時,樣品表面上H的脫附量約固定為0.40 ML,也幾乎不會增加。以上所觀測到的現象,以0.4-ML-Ge/Si(100):H樣品為例,說明在樣品加熱到655 K之前,只有Ge-H的鍵結會被破壞,此時的溫度並不足以讓Si-H上的H被脫附掉﹔當樣品溫度達到655 K時,Ge-H上的H幾乎都已經熱脫附掉﹔之後樣品溫度在655 ~ 705 K區間時,樣品表面上H的脫附量約固定在0.27 ML,這說明了在此溫度下,並沒有很多的H原子由Si原子上diffuse到Ge原子上,形成較弱的Ge-H鍵,而被脫附掉,所以在此溫度下,H在Si上的diffusion還算是很小﹔當溫度到達約725 K後,Si原子上的H也開始被脫附掉,然後隨著溫度的昇高,樣品表面上的H原子將會都脫附掉。
This thesis studied the hydrogen molecular desorption from the Ge/Si(100) -2´1:H surfaces. The Ge/Si(100) samples were prepared by growing 0.4 ML and 0.8 ML Ge on the clean Si(100)-2´1 surface by atomic layer epitaxy using Ge2H6. Si(100)-2´1:H and Ge/Si(100)-2´1:H surfaces were annealed to various temperature and then imaged by the Scanning Tunneling Microscopy( STM ). Experimental results show that the hydrogen atom on the surfaces recombines into H2 and desorb from the surfaces at above 550 K. Annealing the Si(100)-2´1:H above 705 K, the hydrogen’s desorption rate was proportional to ( T is the sample temperature). Annealing 0.4-ML-Ge/Si(100):H at the temperature range between 655 ~ 705 K, the amount of H2 desorption remains at 0.27 ML. Annealing 0.8-ML-Ge/Si(100):H to the temperature range of 620 ~ 705 K, the dangling bond coverage also remained at 0.40 ML. These results suggest that almost all of the hydrogen bond with the surfaces germanium atoms were desorbed at 655 K for the 0.4-ML-Ge/Si(100):H and 620 K for the 0.8-ML-Ge/Si(100):H surfaces.