Title: 聲音互動產生的動態空間
Audio Driven Dynamic Virtual Environments
Authors: 蘇瑞育
Su, Jui-yu
Keywords: 聲音;互動;動態空間;虛擬環境;Sounds;Interaction;Dynamic Spaces;Virtual Environments
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 這篇報告的目的是以聲音作為虛擬環境的互動元素,創造新的虛擬環境的型態。此報告的動態空間實驗,架構於即時3D虛擬環境,並截取聲音的音量質變化並轉換成數位的動態資料,獲得的動態資料將對空間環境不斷產生干擾與刺激,讓空間不斷的受音樂影響而變動。並加入互動技術的控制因子,使用者能藉由輸入設備(Input Devices)影響空間,空間會給予視覺及聽覺的反應回饋給使用者外;使用者即時的介入虛擬環境及改變現有狀態的選擇權,對空間環境產生多重互動影響。 以聲音作為互動元素所創造的動態虛擬環境,除了以視覺的方式呈現,並以兩個互動遊戲實驗(Morph, Cube)中所運用到互動行為檢視此類空間。
The objective of this study is to use sounds as interface to create a new type of space in virtual environments. In order to represent this new spatial concept, I conducted dynamic space experiments by building real-time virtual environments; witch intercepted the changes of sound’s volume and converted then into dynamic information. The dynamic information continuously produced interferences and stimulus upon the virtual spaces. The spaces kept changing followed the input sounds. In addition, by adding control factors of interactive techniques, users could utilize input devices to affect the spaces, which are response to users visually and acoustically. Therefore, users can intervene the virtual environments in real-time. They have choices of changing current state and producing multiple interactions within the spaces. In addition to visual representation, I use two interactive games: Morph and Cube, to investigate interactive behaviors of sound-based dynamic virtual environments.
Appears in Collections:Thesis