標題: 我國光通訊元件產業競爭策略之研究
A Study of the Competitive Strategies of Taiwan's Fiber Optics Component Industry
作者: 董守薇
Dr. Hsiao-cheng Yu
關鍵字: 光通訊;光主、被動元件;JDS Uniphase
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 隨著網際網路的興起,加上電信法規制度的開放與電信市場的自由化,使得頻寬的需求大幅成長,而光通訊產業也自此開始受到各方的注意。許多國際大廠如JDS Uniphase、Corning、Lucent等公司紛紛藉由購併的手段,以快速擴大公司的技術能力與市場,並取得領先地位;同時,我國廠商也積極開始佈局,準備切入此新興光通訊市場。全球電信市場自由化的結果,使得電信服務業者有恃無恐地擴張資本支出,但自2000年下半的景氣衰退,全球資本市場吃緊,導致電信服務業者需求趨緩,也引發光通訊設備業者的存貨問題。光通訊產業景氣自此急轉直下,此波效應也從下游的設備商蔓延至上游的元件供應商。我國在全球光通訊產業中因市佔率低、能見度小;因此,相較於國際大廠,我國業者所受景氣影響相對較小。而隨著國際光通訊大廠逐漸將生產重心轉移至亞太地區,加上都會區光纖網路的市場興起,將提供台灣光通訊產業的發展利基。本研究即藉由鑽石模型、六力分析、OLI優勢典範與國際光通訊大廠之經營模式來分析我國光通訊產業之國際競爭策略。 研究結果指出,在光通訊產業不景氣的影響下,國際大廠逐漸釋單,並採取委外代工的方式以求降低成本。我國光通訊業者的彈性生產、量產管理能力與OEM的定位,有助於我國藉此時機打開國際市場,並擴張光通訊版圖。此外,藉由適當的策略聯盟或購併策略,可厚實我國光通訊業者的研發能力,而建立與大陸的合作關係,則將有利於台灣光通訊產業在大中華地區的發展地位。 本研究研擬國內光通訊廠商之競爭策略及如何提高競爭優勢,以期對我國業者提供決策性之參考建議,並期許光通訊產業能再創台灣高科技顛峰。
Telecommunications liberalization created many new telecom service providers as well as telecom equipment vendors. In anticipation of the exponential growth of Internet traffic, telecom service providers were competing building up network capacities by expanding optical fiber transmission bandwidth. Unfortunately, economy slowdown and high tech company stocks plunged in 2000 froze demand for fiber optics deployment in most part of the world hence damaged this industry severely. In order to remain competitive, leading fiber optics venders such as JDS Uniphase, Corning and Lucent may start contracting some of the manufacturing functions to OEM vendors in Asia. This may be an opportunity for Taiwan fiber optics companies. Also, right now may be a good opportunity to establish strategic alliance or technology transfer relationships with world leading vendors. This thesis explored the success experience of JDS Uniphase and its current direction. This research also adopted several competitive analysis models to recommend
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