Title: PDA作業系統平台之競爭分析
A Competitive Analysis of PDA Operating System
Authors: 劉志鵬
Liu Chih-Peng
Hsiao-Cheng Yu, Ph.D
Keywords: 個人數位助理;作業系統;超優勢競爭;平台;PDA;Operating System;Hyper-competition;Platform
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 作業系統在PDA產品中扮演非常重要的角色。在PDA市場日漸成長與相關應用發展日益成熟的環境下,PDA作業系統廠商之間的平台競爭漸趨激烈。由於一個作業系統是否能成為應用平台的主流標準與應用程式資源多寡、相關周邊的支援程度完善與否息息相關,因此發展作業系統平台實不能以單一的產品策略來規劃,而必須以「平台策略」角度來推動整個作業系統平台成為產業標準之一。
本研究欲以PDA產業的產業環境、作業系統廠商的產品發展藍圖與授權策略、以及相關協力廠商的產品線,以Richard D’Aveni提出的超優勢競爭理論,以「四領域分析」與「四透鏡分析」來分析PDA作業系統在全球PDA產業競爭激烈的環境下,彼此之間的動態策略互動。同時藉由本分析成果的呈現,了解現階段PDA作業系統之技術定位及未來發展趨勢,並作為後進軟體廠商欲在PDA作業系統領域發展之策略參考。而對PDA製造商來說,能夠瞭解未來PDA作業系統之可能發展方向,在爭取授權與發展相關應用上亦有助擬定PDA產品策略。
Operating System is an important part in PDA product. Because of the growth of the PDA market, the more and more keen competition is proceeding among PDA OS vendors. The OS vendors have to raise the penetration rate or market share with the “Platform Strategy” rather than “Product Strategy”. Besides the related reference literature, this research explores the past action of PDA OS vendors and analyzes their strategy by “Four-Area Analysis” and “Four-Lens Analysis”of the theory of Hypercompetition of Richard D’Aveni.
By this thesis, we can understand the competitive advantages of PDA OS vendors, including Palm Computing, Microsoft, Symbian…etc, and what is more, this thesis also give some advice to new software vendors. The conclusion is: alliance, huge capital, and professional skill are very important to OS platform developer.
Appears in Collections:Thesis