標題: 實作一軟體無線電平台及架構於其上之行動執行環境
Implementation of a Mobile Execution Environment and its Based Software Defined Radio Platform
作者: 莊淵登
Yuan-Deng Chuang
Jong-Chuang Tsay
Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 軟體無線電;行動執行環境;模擬系統;無線通訊;Software Defined Radio;SDR;CORBA;Mobile Execution Environment;MExE;4G;Simulator;software radio
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 對開發無線技術的廠商而言,其在追求的,類似一種行動的「烏托邦」:一種可以在任何無線網路之間漫遊的手持裝置,它不需使用多種晶片組或衛星技術。透過軟體無線電的技術可使手機和網路設備經由即時的軟體下載重組結構。讓使用者能夠使用任何通訊介面協定,如:GSM、CDMA及AMPS等。 在模組化軟體可程式無線電聯盟所提出的軟體通訊架構(Software Communication Architecture: SCA)中明確的定義了軟體無線電(Software Defined Radio: SDR)的軟體架構技術,在論文中我們參考SCA來發展出一套軟體無線電原型系統: MSDR。我們發展此MSDR系統的緣由是: (1)在SCA的架構中並沒有為應用程式提供齊一的標準執行環境以及完整的介面類別。(2)提供一個開發軟體無線電技術的模擬系統。首先,在MSDR系統中,我們結合SCA與3GPP所提出的MExE協定來建構一個由上層應用程式環境到作業系統之間的一個完整的手持裝置執行環境。針對此執行環境的需求,我們設計了一組完整的介面類別。接著我們依據MSDR的系統架構以及這些介面類別來實作一個手持裝置端的模擬系統並測試其效能。對應用程式的開發者而言,此模擬系統提供一個應用程式的標準執行環境。對軟體無線電系統的開發者而言,使用此模擬系統所提供的完整介面類別可降低大量的開發成本與時間,並且提供一個良好的測試環境。
Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a new radio concept which uses the software technology to control digital components so that a user’s handheld device may roam over different wireless networks and use the technology from micro-cell to satellite. The Modular Software-programmable Radio Consortium has proposed a Software Communication Architecture (SCA) that defined clearly the architecture of software technology in the SDR. Because the SCA has not defined the standard execution environment about applications on the upper layer yet. Therefore, we will propose a framework to integrate the SCA with the Mobile Execution Environment (MExE) standard proposed by 3GPP, named MSDR (stands for Mobile Execution Environment over Software Defined Radio) that constructs a unified and complete middleware environment which lies in between applications and operating systems. According to the MSDR, we will design a complete set of interfaces and classes to implement a PC-based simulator of MSDR. The applications and services on the simulator could be executed by using a standard API and environment. Given the complexity and associated cost of building modern computer systems, the simulator provides a practical way for developers to test and access system performance.